On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on politicians lying about economics, fines for big banks, Maine votes left, int students come less to US, Pebble Mine struggle, fading American dream. Major discussions of (1) Xmas spirit vs deporting immigrants, (2) the only way to rescue and rebuild the US "middle class" and (3) raising capital for worker coops.
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1) We know what does work. History delineated in Wolff’s address peroxides a good example. I don’t see Wolff contradicting himself, as the last comment seems to suggest.
2) History also shows “quick fixes” are part of the reason we can’t trust the politician singled out. I’m not asking Wolff to be a good con man and offer a solution that works quickly. Moreover, if we act quickly, we have a chance at addressing cataclysm with collective action.
The dominant narrative takes no issue with the paradigm of GLOBAL COMPETITION. Our government, businesses, even our churches fail to challenge the competition paradigm. We pray for “our troops.”
What’s needed is a new paradigm: global solidarity.