Puerto Rico’s Financial & Economic Crisis: Debt Restructuring and Prospects for Sustainable Economic Development
Puerto Rico’s Financial & Economic Crisis: Debt Restructuring and Prospects for Sustainable Economic Development
Prof. Wolff will be one of 4 speakers for Panel B: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Location: New Building, room 9.64
Richard Wolff. Economist, New School University. Politics and Puerto Rico's Financial Crisis
Rafael Bernabe. “Puerto Rico in the American Century”, Debt and Self-Determination.
Marisa Soto. Attorney at Law. Bankruptcy Law, Benefits of Structured Debt Restructuring.
Carmen Pacheco, Esq. Pacheco & Lugo, Attorney at Law. Puerto Rico’s Legal Status and Public Debt with a focus on Puerto Rico v.
Sanchez Valle and Franklin California Tax-free Trust v. Puerto Rico
Moderator: Ismael Betancourt Jr., MBA, MA, President & CEO of IF-MC-CA-DI
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