Pages tagged "ACC"
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: How Do We Break from Neo-Liberalism?
[S3 E27] New
In this final episode of Season 3, Prof. Harvey talks about the history of Neo-Liberalism and how it relates to post-modernism. Trump's imposition of what is the truth, with his notion of alternative facts, is in many ways, a triumph of post-modernity. Harvey underscores the importance of...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Monopolistic Competition
[S3 E26] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey speaks about monopolistic competition and its impact on market pricing and location. All monopolistic competition is spacial competition that creates a highly unstable economy and has a tendency to...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Coercive Laws of Competition
[S3 E25] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines 2 schools of thought within the Marxist tradition, one that focuses on the falling rate of profit, and the other that explores the rising mass. Harvey argues that both schools miss an important contradiction that separates each of them from the other: the role of competition...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Capital in the Attic
[S3 E24] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the real players in our capitalist society who operate outside of the market system and are accumulating massive amounts of wealth. Players like Carlos Slim, the Koch brothers, Stephen A. Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, reside in the "attic," where Harvey argues real wealth and real power are being assembled.
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Education of an Educator
[S3 E23] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about what inspired and motivated him both personally and professionally. He quotes the poem "Burnt Norton" by T.S. Eliot...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Chinese Property Markets & Affordable Housing
[S3 E22] New
In the episode of ACC, Prof. David Harvey talks about the crisis of affordable housing on a global level, with particular emphasis on China and the US. Harvey argues that providing affordable housing for people cannot be accomplished by the private...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Whither China?
[S3 E21] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines what is happening in China today, the many changes taking place within (the formation of a billionaire class, uneven geographical development between metropolitan cities and rural areas, a cultural revolution), and highlights its impact on...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Primary Abstractions of Capital
[S3 E20] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey discusses some of the contradictions that Marx uncovered as he examined the abstractions of capital. He explores the contradiction between the rate of change and the mass of value, and the crises that emerge from the two...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: How Are We "Ruled by Abstractions?"
[S3 E19] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines Marx’s use of the notion of abstractions to develop a general theory of capital and his critique of capitalism. Harvey identifies different levels of abstraction used by Marx: scale, perspective of production, perspective of circulation and...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Monopolization of Everything
[S3 E18] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey asserts that capital is becoming ever more centralized. We are seeing the monopolization of housing and rental markets, Pharma, media, and the means of distribution. The monopolization of power is inevitable in...
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