Pages tagged "ACC"
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: China's Economic Rise - Part 1
[S3 E07] New
This part 1 of 2 episodes is a compilation of 3 of Prof. Harvey's most popular shows. Harvey explains the rise and significance of China as...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Science and Authority
[S3 E6] New
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof, Harvey argues that what is being done politically to deal with the propagation of...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The U.S. Presidential Election
[S3 E05] New
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof, Harvey presents his analysis of the 2020 U.S. elections...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Essence of a Capitalist Society
[S3 E04] New
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof. Harvey argues that the transformation of the productive forces under capitalism require...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Why Marx's Grundrisse is Relevant Today
[S3 E3] New
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof. Harvey discusses two important and somewhat contrasting passages of Marx's...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles Episode List: Season 3
Season 5 | Season 4 | Season 3 | Season 2 | Season 1
Season 3
Season 3 began in September 2020.
How Do We Break From Neo-Liberalism
December 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 27)
In this final episode of Season 3, Prof. Harvey talks about the history of Neo-Liberalism and how it relates to post-modernism. Trump's imposition of what is the truth, with his notion of alternative facts, is in many ways, a triumph of post-modernity. Harvey underscores the importance of exposing the activities of the ruling class, who are really behind Neo-liberal ideas and policies and conveniently remain dissociated from them in a concerted effort to protect their wealth and power.
Monopolistic Competition
December 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 26)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey speaks about monopolistic competition and its impact on market pricing and location. All monopolistic competition is spacial competition that creates a highly unstable economy and has a tendency to produce conglomerations in rich locations.
The Coercive Laws of Competition
November 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 25)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines 2 schools of thought within the Marxist tradition, one that focuses on the falling rate of profit, and the other that explores the rising mass. Harvey argues that both schools miss an important contradiction that separates each of them from the other: the role of competition. The coercive laws of competition are crucial for both falling rate of profit and rising mass. He explains why.
Capital in the Attic
November 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 24)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the real players in our capitalist society who operate outside of the market system and are accumulating massive amounts of wealth. Players like Carlos Slim, the Koch brothers, Stephen A. Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, reside in the "attic," where Harvey argues real wealth and real power are being assembled.
The Education of an Educator
October 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 23)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about what inspired and motivated him both personally and professionally. He quotes the poem "Burnt Norton" by T.S. Elliot.
Chinese Property Markets & Affordable Housing
October 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 22)
In the episode of ACC, Prof. David Harvey talks about the crisis of affordable housing on a global level, with particular emphasis on China and the US. Harvey argues that providing affordable housing for people cannot be accomplished by the private sector as it conflicts with the capitalist profit motive, and it therefore requires an anti-capitalist approach.
Whither China?
September 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 21)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines what is happening in China today, the many changes taking place within (the formation of a billionaire class, uneven geographical development between metropolitan cities and rural areas, a cultural revolution), and highlights its impact on and relationship to the global economy.
The Primary Abstractions of Capital
September 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 20)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey discusses some of the contradictions that Marx uncovered as he examined the abstractions of capital. He explores the contradiction between the rate of change and the mass of value, and the crises that emerge from the two. Harvey points to the crisis of housing as a contemporary example.
How Are We "Ruled by Abstractions?"
August 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 19)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines Marx’s use of the notion of abstractions to develop a general theory of capital and his critique of capitalism. Harvey identifies different levels of abstraction used by Marx: scale, perspective of production, perspective of circulation and distribution and the contradictions that exist between production and circulation. Marx, Harvey asserts, also differentiates between the concrete abstractions of a capitalist system, such as price of commodities and wages rates, and theoretical abstractions, the behavior of capitalists who are endlessly driven by competition and the quest for profits.
The Monopolization of Everything
July 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 18)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey asserts that capital is becoming ever more centralized. We are seeing the monopolization of housing and rental markets, Pharma, media, and the means of distribution. The monopolization of power is inevitable in capitalism. However, according to Harvey, there are significant barriers to the continuity of capital accumulation. People are growing dissatisfied with the current economic conditions, a political system does not work for the benefit of the population, and are more and more at odds with the ruling ideas. We have a crisis of ideology, a crisis of economy, a crisis in the environment and a crisis of the future in terms of demographic possibilities.
The Ruling Ideas of a Billionaire Class
July 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 17)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey contends that what we are experiencing is the raw exercise of ruling class power in ruling ways. He references Marx's Grundrisse to help understand how ideas are born and the impact they have on society. Specifically, he talks about the ideas and policies of the ruling elites, how those ideas became part of the culture, and were used by the ruling class to seize back control and wealth from the labor movement. The ruling class is as dedicated as it always has been to the maintenance of its power. The recent health crisis has helped strengthen the ranks and wealth of the billionaire class. And when the political class is given the option of rescuing people or rescuing the capitalist class, they will always rescue and sustain the capitalist class. Neoliberalism is stronger than ever because the capitalist class is stronger than ever.
The Urbanization of China
July 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 16)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey argues that the circulation of interest-bearing capital and financialization, both necessary for the disposal of surplus capital and surplus value, are implicated in the acceleration of turnover time, especially in areas like tourism that have become dependent on "mindless urbanization." He points to China as a leading example.
Dumping Surplus Capital
June 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 15)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the changing dynamics of capital accumulation since Marx's analysis in the Grundrisse. The disempowerment of workers as part of the Neoliberal strategy of the 1980s to the present day, led to declining wages and standard of living for workers, but an increase in surplus capital and wealth for corporation and wealthy elites. Military expenditures (military Keynesianism) and fixed capital - what Harvey calls "mindless urbanization"- become sinks for disposing overaccumulating capital.
The Politics of Austerity of the 70s & 80s
June 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 14)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the birth of the neoliberalism following the crisis of the 1970s. The vast government spending of the 1960s was replaced with fierce austerity measures imposed on the population, in an effort to bail out corporations and enable the wealthy elites to regain power and control. The neoliberal era was ushered in by political leaders like Reagan and Thatcher, who saw labor and high wages as a real threat to the capitalist class.
The Legitimation Crisis of the late 1960s
May 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 13)
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey takes us through the political agitations that occurred in the US in the 1960s. The various social movements, the Civil Rights movement, the student movement, the labor movement, the women's movement and the anti-war movement challenged capitalism and corporate power, and questioned the legitimacy of the government. The anti-capitalist and anti-corporate sentiments that emerged prompted a counter-attack by the big monopoly companies who saw their power and wealth eroding.
Keynesianism of the 1960s
May 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 12)
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In this part 4 of 4, Prof. Harvey talks about the economic evolution of the 1960s and the suburbanization of America. To establish and secure its position as the global leader, the US invested heavily in the military guided by Keynesian policies of deficit spending. The military-industrial complex came out of the post-war period in an effort to keep up with the Soviet Union's militarization and protect the world from the spread of Communism. The suppression of socialism at home was supplemented by the experience of the affluent working class facilitated in large part by the creation of suburbs. However, marginalized minority workers, who did not benefit from the increased standard of living enjoyed by mostly white workers, fought against economic injustices and fueled the Civil Rights movements of the 60s.
Absolute Contradictions of the Post-War Era
April 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 11)
In this part 3 of the 4-part series,, Prof. Harvey applies Marx's theory of absolute contradictions to the post-war period. He draws parallels with 1860s France under Bonaparte's rule and the pressures that led to his demise. The post-war boom facilitated by Roosevelt's centralized planning and production led to the rise of left-wing groups and ideals that began to threaten the very survival of capitalism. The crisis created by this contradiction led to the systematic repression of socialist ideologies which in turn led to the turmoil of the 1960s and 70s.
The Golden Age of Post-War Capital
April 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 10)
In this part 2 of the 4-part series, Prof. Harvey examines the development of capital in the period after WW2 through the 1970s, made possible through the repression of left-wing ideologies and an economic development model that promoted a certain kind of lifestyle for white privileged workers. Harvey argues that the Bretton Woods agreement, the policies of expansion of demand through debt financing of the suburbs, and the debt financing of the reconstruction of Japanese, German and European economies led to rapid rate of growth globally, the rise of anti-immigrant sentiments and the emergence of contradictions that led to a very significant shift in politics.
How Capital Evolves
March 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 9)
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This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series. Prof. Harvey explores the evolution of capital throughout history and examines the shifts to financialization from commodity production and trade, and the transfer of power that followed. He draws from Marx, Fernand Braudel and Italian sociologist Giovanni Arrighi to look critically at shifting hegemonies, shifting centers and structures of capital and domination, the rise of neoliberalism and what has since followed. He argues that our current capitalist and political system have proven unable or unwilling to solve the current economic crisis, heavily exacerbated by the pandemic. Significant change will be needed.
China's Economic Rise - Part 2
March 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 8)
This episode is part 2 of 2. It is a compilation of Prof. Harvey's 3 most popular shows on the People's Republic of China. Harvey explains the rise and significance of China as an economic power and the growing tension with the US.
China's Economic Rise - Part 1
February 2021 (Season 3 - Episode 7)
This part 1 of 2 episodes is a compilation of 3 of Prof. Harvey's most popular shows. Harvey explains the rise and significance of China as an economic power and the growing tension with the US.
Science and Authority
December 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 6)
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On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof, Harvey argues that what is being done politically to deal with the propagation of the virus excludes the social circumstances in which propagation of the virus occurs. There is a long history of rule by experts, scientists who are supported by state apparatuses. Their solutions are flawed because they do not take into account the totality of the social and economic circumstances of the populations affected.
The U.S. Presidential Election
November 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 5)
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On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof, Harvey presents his analysis of the 2020 U.S. elections.
The Essence of a Capitalist Society
November 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 4)
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof. Harvey argues that the transformation of the productive forces under capitalism require major adjustments in thinking. Much can be learned from China and repurposed to gain a much more sophisticated understanding of how to manage capital in its dying days and work towards the creation of a communist future.
Why Marx's Grundrisse is Relevant Today
October 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 3)
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof. Harvey discusses two important and somewhat contrasting passages of Marx's Grundrisse and the important insights about the present and future we can draw from them. While on the one hand Marx acknowledges that capital has had a civilizing influence, brought about innovations, it also is responsible for universal alienation, suicides, misery, inequality and capital accumulation.
Stock Market Booms While Americans Face Economic Disaster
October 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 2)
On this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the economic uncertainty Americans are experiencing: job loss, indebtedness, inflation. The stock market is flourishing, but only the top 10-20% of the US population have investments and are benefitting from the boom. The majority of Americans are left with little to no support and very little access to food and basic services. Harvey predicts the situation will worsen in the next months. Washington's political gridlock means no real change can be expected.
Economic Uncertainty and Moral Imperative
September 2020 (Season 3 - Episode 1)
On this first episode of Season 3, Prof. Harvey argues that the economic and social consequences of COVID-19 have most seriously impacted the bottom 10-20% of the population. The crises of housing, public health, education is further deepening the inequalities. He contends that a redistribution of wealth from the top 10-20% to the bottom 10-20% to improve basic living standards will be needed and is our moral imperative.
Season 5 | Season 4 | Season 3 | Season 2 | Season 1
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Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Stock Market Booms While Americans Face Economic Disaster
[S3 E02] New
On this episode of David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Prof. Harvey talks about the economic uncertainty Americans are experiencing: job loss, indebtedness, inflation. The stock market is flourishing, but only the top 10-20% of the US population have investments and are benefitting from the boom. The majority of Americans are left with little to no support and very little access to food and basic services. Harvey predicts the situation will worsen in the next months. Washington's political gridlock means no real change can be expected.
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Economic Uncertainty and Moral Imperative
[S3 E01] New
On this first episode of Season 3, Prof. Harvey argues that the economic and social consequences of COVID-19 have most seriously impacted the...
Read moreAnti-Capitalist Chronicles: Season 3 Coming
Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Working Person as Political Subject
[S2 E15] New
On this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey continues his analysis of this circulation of value-creating capacity within a capitalist...