Pages tagged "All Things Co-op"
All Things Co-op: 3rd Principle - Member Economic Participation
What is expected of worker-owners, and what is given to them? What does it mean to "contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital" of a cooperative and what is done with surpluses?
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All Things Co-op: 2nd Principle - Democratic Member Control
Cooperatives must be democratic, but what does that mean? What form of democracy is best, and how do workers transition from mere workers and into democratic owners?
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All Things Co-op: 1st Principle - Voluntary and Open Membership
What does it mean to be a voluntary organization, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political, or religious discrimination?
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All Things Co-op: Co-op Legislation
What are the different approaches taken around the country and lessons for anyone pursuing cooperative legislation and policy endeavors?
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All Things Co-op: Right To Own
Right to own gives workers the right to purchase business when they are being sold or closed in order to convert the businesses into worker cooperatives.
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All Things Co-op: Cuba Cooperatives
A country of around 10 million people, Cuba has more than 5,000 cooperatives. As part of the reform process over the last decade, cooperatives have already achieved a prominent role in the Cuban economy...
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All Things Co-op: Rodney North, Co-op Consultant
In this episode, Kevin speaks with Rodney North, a member of the DC Cooperative Stakeholder Group, a co-op consultant, and a former co-op member for many years...
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