Pages tagged "AskProfWolff"
Ask Prof Wolff: The Many Interpretations of Marx
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "I wrote an email response to someone who had a lot of strange ideas about Marx and all of the purported evil done in his name. He and others seem to hold Marx personally responsible for the crimes of Pol Pot, Stalin...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: The True Cost of Sanctions
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "Are sanctions, which are detrimental to ordinary citizens, in some cases justified in order to try to pressure...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: Can Capitalism Be Reformed?
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "Have you looked into the concept of Collective Capitalism as theorized by G. Means and its influence on Japan (which has the largest Communist Party not in control of the government)? Also, the public private relationship in Singapore's economy seems very different from the Western financial capitalist system. Are these various "Eastern" economic models something that would...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: How Treasury Bonds Help Corporations and the Rich
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "Please explain the role of the bond market (US Treasuries) in the...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: Who Do Politicians Really Serve?
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "It seems like you believe capitalists aren't just greedy and evil but in a system requiring them to do what they do. Is this also true of politicians who vote for and carry out...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: Lessons from France’s Pension Struggle
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "In view of the French retirement proposals and the argument that fewer active workers are supporting more retired workers, can you address how changing demographics will affect...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: AI & ChatGPT - What are the Economic Impacts?
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "I am writing to seek your insights on the rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) landscape, particularly with regards to its implementation by profit-driven companies. It is evident that AI technology has the potential to bring significant advancements in various sectors. However, there is a growing concern that AI's deployment by...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: The Impact of China on Small U.S. Businesses
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "I am a pediatrician but like everyone in the medical field, we are tired of serving insurance companies and Medicine is not fun anymore. I wish we had public insurance as I don't see how health can go with...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: The Illusion of Woke Economics
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "Please discuss woke economics. I have seen YouTube clips using this term. After viewing a couple clips I concluded this is capitalism claiming to be the...
Read moreAsk Prof Wolff: How Capitalism Distorts The Immigration Issue
A Patron of Democracy at Work asks: "What do you think about the left's view of immigration and why do you think that seems to be the consensus view? Why are most on the left so in support of...
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