Pages tagged "Economic Update"
Economic Update: Capitalism's Instability
This week's updates include the GM settlement, a look at why the Census Bureau proves there is no recovery for 90% and why GE is moving jobs overseas. Prof. Wolff responds to listeners on FED...
Read moreEconomic Update: Precarious Work = Capitalism's Inefficiency
This week's updates include the economics of refugees, Ford buys French political wife, LAs homeless, Labor Day history, Seattle Teachers strike and why Japan's jobs are ever more precarious...
Read moreEconomic Update: When Profits Come First
Updates on extreme poverty, workers' victory over tech giants, NFL concussions, Trump's economics analyzed, and Oakland for worker coops. Response to listeners on...
Read moreEconomic Update: Market Chaos Hits US All
Updates on Dismaland theme park, reghettoization, western fires, Amazon undercuts pensions, and analyzing market chaos vs blaming China. Major discussions of ...
Read moreEconomic Update: Labor Day Economics
Updates on Labor Day's meaning, Amazon's workplace horrors, Dunkin Donuts' CEO against $ 15/hr, and how capitalism undermines recycling. Response to questions on shifting US federal tax burdens and on state's role in capitalist economies. Major discussion of criticism of capitalism and directions for a better system.
Read moreEconomic Update: Higher Education in Crisis Audio
Economic Update: Higher Education in Crisis
Today's updates include an analysis of unemployment numbers to show what they hide as well as reveal. Responses to listeners' questions expose the economics of lotteries and why the largest US corporations have recently used their profits to buy back their shares in the stock markets. The second half of the show features an in-depth interview with Prof. Sohnya Sayres where we explore the end of free college and universities in the US, the rise of administrators dominating students and faculty and what these trends have meant for the quality of higher education in the US.
Read moreEconomic Update: Children, Capitalism, Family Values?
Updates on Alberta election, Kansas closes schools early, Gallup polls on unequal US wealth and on average work weeks over 40 hours, Uber and markets, ignorance about USSR economy. Response to listeners on...
Read moreEconomic Update: Capitalism’s Other Side
This episode of Economic Update includes updates on the May Day holiday, the Baltimore uprising, the Nepal earthquake and poverty, Varoufakis vs repression, Bud Light pushing beer by endangering women and responses to listeners' questions on varieties of coops, plus an Interview with Prof. Yahya Madra on Turkey, Capitalism, and Islam!
Read moreEconomic Update: Capitalism and War
In this edition of Economic Update we will examine the potential impacts of the UK elections, the economic crisis' long-term effects, how Kansas demonizes the poor and the mustard-ketchup economic war. We’ll also have responses to listeners’ questions on child-support economics and US car production moving to Mexico.
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