Pages tagged "Richard Wolff"
Economic Update: Economics of our Politics
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Europe's new econ stimulus, French workers rally for job security, US airlines' rip-off fees. Response to question about government blame for economic crisis since 2008. Major discussions on...
Read moreEconomic Update: Seeds of Fascism?
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on injustice of Argentina's default settlement, on Pope Francis's rejection of "exploiters," and on stagnating real median incomes in US. Major discussions of..
Read moreEconomic Update: Good for Profits, Bad for Society
On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Citibank calls "Recession" for 2016, Robert Gordon's new book "Rise and Fall of American growth, college students to Europe for free educations, drug and food companies profit at public's expense, economics of presidential candidates, pension struggles heat up, and why China's slowdown due to US/Euro/Japan economies. Major discussions of...
Read moreEconomic Update: Capitalism is the Problem
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Bloomberg's money, negative interest rates, the oil market, Puerto Rico's cruel sales tax, Fed Reserve governor supports breaking up banks 'too big to fail,' and Apple borrows despite its huge cash hoard. Response to...
Read moreEconomic Update: Economic Change, Economic Disorder
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on China achieves economic superpower status, profit produces drug scarcities, Ireland's unjust austerity, millionaire tax in Massachusetts. Major discussions of...
Read moreOn the Meaning of Capitalism, We Don't Agree
This article originally appeared at
Within conversations on the left, many of us use the term "capitalism," but we aren't all using it to mean the same thing. Among both its champions and opponents, capitalism acquired too many different meanings over the 200 to 300 years of its global ascendancy. I am sometimes faulted for using the term as if everyone knew and agreed on its meaning, when that is not the case. My critics demand instead...
Read moreEconomic Update: Lessons About and From Socialism
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on the economic significance of Sanders' Iowa vote, Keynes on risks of revolution against capitalism, costs of oil market collapse. Interview with...
Read moreGlobal Capitalism: February 2016 Monthly Update
Demands for Basic Economic Change Keep Growing
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church
These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this February, these will include...
Read moreEconomic Update: How Markets Fail
On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Johnson Controls Corp evades taxes, Disney sued over abuse of HB-1 visa system, French workers strike against austerity and against socialist government; response to listeners on...
Read moreEconomic Update: Capitalism's Results
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Obama on/in Detroit, Walmart closing stores, Santa Fe and public banking, food-makers' profits vs people's health. Major discussion of...
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