Pages tagged "Truthout"
COVID-19 Was a Trigger, But Capitalism Caused the Economic Crash
This Op-ed originally appeared at
After the dot-com crash in 2000, economic policy aimed to “get us back to normal.”
Read moreTrump's Budget: Fiddling as Capitalism Burns
This article originally appeared at
The Trump budget proposal now before Congress mostly consists of the classic GOP wish list accompanying the usual heavily ideological silences. Logically and consistently, it follows December's massive tax cuts, which will chiefly benefit...
Read moreThe Truth About Power and Capitalism: A Socialist Response to the Tax Bill
(Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein / Corbis via Getty Images)
This article originally appeared at
In response to the passage of the GOP tax bill, many voices are now offering variations on the theme of "speak truth to power." It's true enough that tax overhaul, coming after 30 years of widening inequality, widens it further. It is likewise yet another exercise in trickle-down economics, the policy promise that direct economic help to corporations and the rich will eventually lift up the rest of us. The GOP and Trump conveniently disregard the countless economists who have shown that trickle-down is a false promise.
Read moreBeyond the Minimum Wage Debate: Let's Move Toward a System That Works for All
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)
Once more with feeling, the old debate rises into the headlines and the talk show circuit: Should governments -- state, federal or local -- raise the minimum wage or not? Employers of minimum-wage workers weigh in to say "no." But that raises a PR problem: It looks bad to advocate keeping...
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The New Socialism: Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power
Photo: Susannah Kay / The New York Times)
This article originally appeared at
Capitalism as a system is now increasingly challenged. Critics proliferate and steadily deepen their opposition (alongside, of course, the persistence of capitalism's defenders). Yet capitalism's traditional "other" -- namely, socialism -- has also been widely devalued. It has lost its position as the goal (however variously interpreted) for anti-capitalist social movements. When not simply ignored, socialism...
Read moreCapitalism Is the Problem
This article originally appeared at
Over the last century, capitalism has repeatedly revealed its worst tendencies: instability and inequality. Instances of instability include the Great Depression (1929-1941) and the Great Recession since 2008, plus eleven "downturns" in the US between those two global collapses. Each time, millions lost jobs, misery soared, poverty worsened and massive resources were wasted. Leaders promised...
Read moreCapitalism vs. Socialism: A Changed Debate
This article originally appeared at
Once again, private capitalism's contradictions, flaws and weaknesses threaten its own existence. Two major global collapses -- first in the 1930s and more recently, since 2008 -- plus periodic downturns every few years have underscored the instability that haunts the system. At the same time, deepening inequality has
Read moreHow Capitalism Perpetuates Immigration
(Photo: Ivan Kashinsky / The New York Times)
This article originally appeared at
Capitalism has a long, ugly history of scapegoating immigrants. The pattern has been repeated often. For example, British capitalism's drive to empire helped force the Irish, as colonial subjects, to emigrate. Miserable colonial conditions, including horrific famines, drove many Irish to labor for capitalists in England at wages lower than English workers had won. English workers raged against and...
Read moreThe Contradictions of Finance
This article originally appeared at and Roar Magazine.
Like much else in economies, finance both enhances the economy's growth and development and undermines it. The balance between these contradictory effects depends on all the other aspects of an economy and society and how they all influence financial contradictions. From its first entrance into the economy -- that part of society concerned with the production and...
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When Systems Crumble: Looking Beyond Global Capitalism
This article originally appeared at
As global capitalism staggers painfully, unevenly and dangerously in the wake of its 2008 collapse, its critics divide into two broad camps. One commits to fixing or reforming a capitalism that has somehow lost its way. The other finds capitalism irreparably...
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