Understanding Socialism - Richard Wolff with KPFA in Berkeley CA


KPFA Radio 94.1 FM and Democracy at Work present:

Understanding Socialism
With Sabrina Jacobs

View this event on the 94.1 KPFA Calendar


This event will feature a conversation between Richard Wolff and Sabrina Jacobs about Wolff's recent book Understanding Socialismpublished by Democracy at Work. 

Understanding Socialism tackles the taboos and unveils the often hidden histories of socialism, but most importantly it offers a way forward: a socialism built on democracy in the workplace. A blend of history, analysis and opinion, Understanding Socialism is an honest and approachable text that knocks down false narratives, confronts failures, and offers a path to a new socialism based on workplace democracy.

Understanding Socialism not only explains what socialism is and has meant to various proponents, it also looks at the past transition from feudalism to capitalism as a model to help us visualize the next transition out of capitalism. It explores how socialist theory was used and applied to shape the histories of countries like Russia and China principally, and many other countries in smaller but important ways. It analyzes the successes and defeats of those countries, the world’s reactions to them (anti-socialism and fascism), and how all of those factors offer important lessons for the building of a 21st century socialism.


Friday, February 28, 2020, 7:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church, 2407 Dana, Berkeley, CA

Advance tickets: $12
Door tickets: $15
Your tickets benefit KPFA Radio 94.1FM



February 28, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
First Presbyterian Church
2407 Dana
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
Google map and directions

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  • Liz Phillips
    published this page in Events 2020-01-28 09:04:39 -0500

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