
Understanding Capitalism - Limited Hard Cover Edition
This elegantly redesigned edition of Understanding Capitalism, featuring a new foreword by Professor Wolff, truly does the text justice. We created this version to offer the most concise and comprehensive explanation of what capitalism is, what it is not, and why it can be difficult to understand—all while better presenting and preserving the critical ideas explored in the book. As part of this release and our year-end fundraising drive, you also have the option to purchase a signed copy personally addressed by Professor Wolff. For more information, simply email us at [email protected].

Understanding Capitalism - Paperback/Ebook
Understanding Capitalism aims to answer the question: "Why capitalism fails us"?. It explores the different definitions of what capitalism is and is not – showing why definitions matter. It dissolves the many myths that make it hard to understand the system. Readers acquire tools needed to engage basic economic and social issues of our time by showing precisely how they depend upon the capitalist system. Then the book shows how and where we can go beyond capitalism to specific alternative systems. Doing that, we argue, can and should be part of solving today’s great issues, of making the world better than we found it.

Understanding Marxism
If you want to understand capitalism in order to make society better, then understanding Marx’s analysis is fundamental in drawing your attention to capitalist production’s core conflict: class struggle. It is everywhere, and it influences everything and everyone in our society. Marx is the theoretician who first explained it systematically. He was a social critic for whom capitalism signified not the end of human history, but the latest phase that badly needed a transition to something better.

Understanding Socialism
Understanding Socialism tackles the taboos and unveils the often hidden histories of socialism, but most importantly it offers a way forward: a socialism built on democracy in the workplace. A blend of history, analysis and opinion, Understanding Socialism is an honest and approachable text that knocks down false narratives, confronts failures, and offers a path to a new socialism based on workplace democracy.

The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself
The coronavirus pandemic, the deepening economic crash, dangerously divisive political responses, and exploding social tensions have thrown an already declining American capitalist system into a tailspin. The consequences of these mounting and intertwined crises will shape our future. In this unique collection of over 50 essays, The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, Richard D. Wolff argues clearly that "returning to normal" no longer responds adequately to the accumulated problems of US capitalism. What is necessary, instead, is transition toward a new economic system that works for all of us.

Socialism is Democracy in the Workplace - Journal
Looking for the right words? Start on the right page with this journal cover, reading "Socialism is Democracy in the Workplace" among sleek, red roses. This 200-page notebook comes lined or blank, for an all-purpose journal to dream about, plan for and work towards something better than capitalism. All proceeds support the worker-led media nonprofit Democracy at Work, building collective understanding about socialism, Marxism and economic democracy. Rose illustration by artist Luis de la Cruz.

We Can Do Better Than Capitalism - Journal with Quotes
Interspersed with quotes from the many voices within Democracy at Work, this 200 page journal will provide you the space and inspiration to dream about, plan for and work towards something better than capitalism. All proceeds support the worker-led media nonprofit Democracy at Work, building collective understanding about socialism, Marxism and economic democracy.