Watch the animated video for The Sickness is the System

Take a look at and share a new animated video that explains the main themes of our new book, The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, by Professor Richard Wolff.

Take a look at and share a
new animated video that explains the main themes of our new book, The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself, by Professor Richard Wolff.

A cartoon Prof Wolff guides the viewer through a clear and simple analysis of the intertwined crises of public health and the capitalist economy. He explains that capitalism’s three basic problems are its lack of democracy, stability, and equality. He argues that historically reforms and regulations softened the impacts of these problems without addressing them. However, neoliberalism’s preferred methods of handling the last few decades of capitalist crashes (privatization and deregulation), have resulted in austerity measures that undermine the system’s ability to react to, and deal with, crises like the Covid-19 pandemic.

This video is the result of a collaboration with, a progressive media company, who produced the video with their animator, Alex Cequea. We are so grateful for this partnership, as it helps us make more media that can help us spread our critical ideas farther and to new audiences. 

If you’re interested in buying The Sickness is the System, we encourage you to buy from Lulu, rather than from Amazon. Buying the book from Lulu ensures that your purchase supports d@w as much as possible. We’ve made it easy for you to find by making sure that every purchase link on our website will take you to Lulu. Professor Wolff generously donated his time and work on this book so that all sales revenue could go to support d@w. 

Learn more about this, and our other books, on our books page.

We hope you enjoy the new video. If you find it useful, help us expand our reach by sharing it with your friends, family, colleagues, and comrades. 

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