Capitalism Hits Home: The Invisible Labor On Which Capitalism Depends. And Guess Who Does It? - Pt 2

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Part 2 of 2: this week's show is a continuation of the discussion of the labor we all need in order to function in our world: housework, ie. providing food, cooking food, let us avoid distracting hunger pains, that creates the order and cleanliness that allows us to be presentable in life, have clean clothes that don't smell, allow us to find the clothing we need to wear that day, and so on and so on. Fraad and Forlano try to answer why essential labor is devalued.

CHH is a  @Democracy At Work  production. Patrons, thank you for supporting Capitalism Hits Home on Patreon, especially now through this scary and turbulent time. With so much uncertainty, anxiety and fear in our lives, Dr. Fraad's message is one of hope and comfort. Please know that your support helps us compensate the staff and additional workers it takes to put an episode together. Thank you for being a part of the CHH team!

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 Capitalism Hits Home with Dr. Harriet Fraad & Julianna Forlano

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