d@w-Chicago Monthly Action Group Meeting
This is an independent event hosted by a d@w-Group. Please direct all questions to the contact listed below.

Join us for a d@w-Chicago Meetup. We have reserved the conference room in the basement of the Palmer House Corner Bakery, where we will be viewing the Global Capitalism broadcast at 5:30pm with a discussion time afterwards. We will have some sandwiches and chips for refreshments. Come together with other Democracy@Work supporters in the metro Chicago area who are interest in supporting democratic workplaces in Illinois. Bring a friend, all are welcome!
May 11, 2017 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Palmer House Corner Bakery Cafe
35 E Monroe St
Basement Conference Room
Chicago, IL 60603
United States
Google map and directions
35 E Monroe St
Basement Conference Room
Chicago, IL 60603
United States
Google map and directions
Mike Johnson

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