We are a non-profit 501c3 organization that relies on generous donations from supporters just like you. Your contribution goes toward producing shows like Economic Update as well as operational costs. If you like our work and mission, consider making a donation today.
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We use PayPal as our payment processor, so you'll be taken to a PayPal webpage, but you don't need an account to donate to us. Just follow these simple steps.
Fill out the form on this page (first your address, then the donation amount)
Click the blue "Continue to PayPal" button without fear!
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Complete your donation as a "PayPal Guest" with your credit card information.
To Donate by mail...
Make checks out to "Democracy at Work" and mail to: Democracy at Work PO Box 30941 New York NY 10011
Want to make a large donation? Contact us to ask what we can do for you! Write to [email protected]