France Marches Left as Far Right Suffers Huge Setback

In this The Socialist Program episode, Richard Wolff and Brian Becker talk about the surprising victory of the left in France under the new popular front, challenging the Macron government and the far right. He criticizes the biased coverage of the elections in the United States, emphasizing the importance of the leftist victory as indicative of broader shifts in European politics. Wolff points out that young French voters mainly supported socialist candidates, signifying a potential sustained leftist presence in French politics. Addressing American politics, he highlights the comparative exclusion of socialism within the U.S. political system, where major media fails to present socialist perspectives, and meaningful choices are limited by the dominant parties. Finally, he discusses the potential impact of another Donald Trump presidency on American society, suggesting that it could signify a rightward shift enacted by Supreme Court decisions rather than reflecting the true will of the American people.

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