Global Capitalism: Live Economic Update
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, Judson Memorial Church & Individual Contributors
These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. Our goal is to develop all participants’ understanding and ability to explain current economic events and trends to others. When time permits, we open the floor to questions and comments.
The Three Key Economic Issues of 2020
- How, why US economy is not in “great” shape
- How, why US capitalism now struggles between tariffs, trade wars (protectionism) and free trade (globalization)
- Tensions, conflicts with China
In addition to Wolff’s discussion of the main topics above, he will also cover the following issues at the January 8, 2020, event:
- Class War in France: Macron vs united unions and yellow vests
- Class War in the UK: Labor Party defeat, Brexit, and what comes next
Requested Fee/Donation: $10 per person. If you access the videos of these monthly updates posted on YouTube and our websites, we ask you to join our attendees who contribute at least $10 at each event to help defray costs of producing, video-taping, and distributing these videos. Please contribute via our donate page or become a patron of GCLEU on Patreon.
Contributions to Democracy at Work are tax deductible (we will gladly provide receipts at the event). For those able to contribute more than $10, our special thanks.
January 08, 2020 at 7:30pm - 9pm
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