d@w-Los Angeles Monthly Action Group Meeting
This is an independent event hosted by a d@w-Group. Please direct all questions to the contact listed below.
Join us for our next a d@w-Los Angeles Monthly Meeting! Greetings friends and comrades!
WHEN: Saturday, September 16th @ 2:45 - 6:00 PM
WHERE: at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Santa Monica
Our guest Speaker is Mary Sutton* from Collective Remake**
In addition to this, we invite you to listen to the second half of this podcast (starting at around 30'15") where Prof. Wolff interviews Dr. Westcott
*Mary Sutton is a long-time activist, prison abolitionist, and recent graduate in the MA in Urban Sustainability at Antioch University Los Angeles. She designed Collective REMAKE as her final capstone project — Build Cooperatives Not Prisons and Jails.
**COLLECTIVE REMAKE: Art, Business, Education, News, People, and Recycling for Sustainability, is a unique social enterprise, designed to support the creation of worker-owned businesses in communities that have been disenfranchised by mass incarceration.
WATCH the Collective Remake promotional video here!
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Video- Nancy Berlin
Follow the link to the video from our July-meeting guest speaker NANCY BERLIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHV5-yDIJuQ
Enjoy it and share it!
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Suggested Readings
- A member of D@W-LA, Simon Fields, has written this piece on State subsidies to corporations. Here is the link to the article.
- For anyone interested in learning more about public banking, check out these websites suggested by our August-meeting guest speakers Trinity and Phoenix:
D@W-National Update:
The Lannon Foundation has granted us a $30,000 challenge grant. This means every dollar donated up to $30,000 thru the d@w website is doubled by the Foundation thru Sept. 30th. If you have ever wanted to help d@w-National fundraise, this would be the time. Help us spread the word through your groups, your pages, friends and family. The d@w-National team will be posting about this on the main website very soon.
Here is the link to the challenge: http://www.democracyatwork.info/lannan_challenge_grant
Please, join D@W and other organizations from LA, in the many events happening this week around the city. Here is a list of events.
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In solidarity,
Democracy at Work
Los Angeles Action Group

September 16, 2017 at 2:45pm - 6pm
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
1260 18th St
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States
Google map and directions
1260 18th St
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States
Google map and directions
Kayla Jones
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