d@w-Los Angeles: April Monthly Meeting


This is an independent event hosted by a d@w-Group. Please direct all questions to the contact listed below. 

Greetings friends and comrades-

We hope you'll join us for our April meetup, in which we'll welcome Matthew Bair from People's Ride, a new cooperatively owned alternative to Uber right here in Los Angeles. Matt has a Master's Degree from the University of Massachusetts in Labor Relations and Research, where he studied: Solidarity Economies, Unions, and Coops. For over five years he has organized professionally for labor unions including SEIU, UFCW, and UE (United Electrical Workers). Since its conception, he has been an ongoing member of the Union Co-op council of the USFWC (United States Federation of Worker Co-ops). Currently, he is working on the development of People's Ride (a partner of Democracy at Work of NYC), a rideshare similar to Uber but with a business structure like a worker co-op, giving control to drivers. You can learn more about People's Ride here: http://peoplesride.coop/ As always, snacks and refreshments will be provided. 
I can't wait to see you there! Please let me know if you can make it! :) 
WHEN? Saturday, April 28th, from 3:00pm - 6:00pm 
WHERE? Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Santa Monica
WHAT? The topic of the meeting is Unions, Public Co-ops, Political Organizing & Succession Planning
Suggested Readings:
Richard Wolff on Unions, Co-ops and Parties 
Brexit negotiations: Theresa May is ‘failing Britain’, Jeremy Corbyn says: 
"He will add that the “gig economy firms” like the taxi service Uber could be replaced by co-operatives, in which drivers collectively set pay and conditions and share or re-invest the profits from their work." 
What If Uber Were a Unionized, Worker-Owned Co-Op? These Denver Cabbies Are Making It Happen
Forget Venture Capitalists—This Scrappy Composting Co-Op Found Another Way to Get Startup Money
"After three years of filing applications to state securities regulators and working for free, in October CERO launched what’s called a “Direct Public Offering,” or DPO—a means by which a business offers stock directly to the public. Setting the minimum investment at just $2,500, open to any resident of Massachusetts, by the end of the year CERO had raised the $100,000 they needed to go into a bank for a loan, and in January they did just that, receiving a $100,000 line of credit from the Cooperative Fund of New England."
Entrepreneurs Looking To Exit, Your Employees May Be Your Buyers
Uber is exploring a way to repair its relationship with drivers: equity in the $69 billion company

Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

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April 28, 2018 at 2:45pm - 6pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
1260 18th St
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States
Google map and directions
Kayla Al-Shamma Jones ·
Amrita Whitman Richard Stevens Bill Floyd Shuvang Bhattarai

Will you come?

Showing 7 comments

  • Amrita Whitman
    rsvped 2018-04-24 01:41:47 -0400
  • Richard Stevens
    rsvped 2018-04-23 16:29:14 -0400
  • Bill Floyd
    rsvped 2018-04-23 12:59:33 -0400
  • Shuvang Bhattarai
    rsvped 2018-04-23 12:22:58 -0400
  • Liz Phillips
    is hosting. 2018-04-19 15:36:43 -0400
  • Andrea Iannone
    is hosting. 2018-04-19 15:36:42 -0400
  • Kayla Jones
    is hosting. 2018-04-19 15:36:42 -0400

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