In Andrew's final episode of Puerto Rico Forward, he says that the initial objective of those who want to raise awareness about the PR issue cannot be to attain a certain political status but rather make PR’s colonial condition relevant within the US political system. This difference, he says, is CRUCIAL.
He asks for every one of us to question and evaluate our viewpoints on Puerto Rico's status issue. While it may be hard to see oneself as relevant when it comes to talking about such a big issue, Andrew highlights the importance of keeping in mind how important all of our roles are in the success or failure in our efforts on the PR issue.
"No matter how small you see yourself, or how far this goal seems, never buy into the lie that you can’t change things. Be bold, be brave, and be persistent."
We at Democracy at Work want to thank Andrew for the past two years of collaboration. We've been proud to host and promote this show and wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors.
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