Election day is right around the corner. In this vast ocean of uncertainty, there are two things we know will not be changed by the outcome: (1) millions of Americans are struggling in the face of what could be a very long economic depression and (2) a broader understanding of how we can do better than capitalism, thanks to socialist policies rooted in workplace democracy, is needed more than ever.
It is for these reasons that we at Democracy at Work have decided to reduce the price of our book, Understanding Socialism, to match the price points of our other books. The paperback can now be purchased for $25.00.
Election day is right around the corner. In this vast ocean of uncertainty, there are two things we know will not be changed by the outcome: (1) millions of Americans are struggling in the face of what could be a very long economic depression and (2) a broader understanding of how we can do better than capitalism, thanks to socialist policies rooted in workplace democracy, is needed more than ever.
It is for these reasons that we at Democracy at Work have decided to reduce the price of our book, Understanding Socialism, to match the price points of our other books. The paperback can now be purchased for $25.00.
"The best accessible and reliable treatment we have
of what socialism is, was, and should be."
- Cornel West
"Wolff’s 138-page book is an accessible and insightful primer that undertakes
a critical examination of the history of state-led socialism while offering
a refreshing vision of a new model based upon workplace democracy."
- Gregory N. Heires, labor journalist
The sales of our books are a critical part of d@w’s financial security to continue to produce the free shows, podcasts, and web series’ such as Economic Update, Global Capitalism Live Economic Update, Anti-Capitalist Chronicles, Capitalism Hits Home, All Things Co-op, Ask Prof Wolff, Wolff Responds, and other projects. However, we want to do what we can to keep this important book more accessible, especially in increasingly challenging times.
Keep in mind that the ebook version is also available for $12.50. Also, if you’re interested in ensuring that d@w receives the most financial support from your purchases, buy our books directly from Lulu, and not through other distribution platforms such as Amazon.
As always, we are grateful that Professor Wolff has generously donated his time to these books so that all sales revenue can support d@w, a non-profit organization producing media that analyzes capitalism critically as a systemic problem and advocates for democratizing workplaces as part of a systemic solution.