d@w-San Antonio Monthly Action Group Meeting

This is an independent event hosted by a d@w-Group. Please direct all questions to the contact listed below.

This one hour meeting will be broken down as follows, in case you miss some of the meeting, here's an outline of our meeting:
  • one hour meeting 5-6: please try your best to be on time. 
  • 10 minutes, sign in and introductions: Name, what brought you to the meeting. 
  • 10 minutes introduce, re-introduce democracy at work to guests/members: Description of the national organization, its supporting organizations, and partners. Introduce membership to the website, economic update, left forum, and related lectures
  • 10 minutes for discussion, anecdotal experience, either individual or observed: what have you seen or experienced in our capitalist economy, how it affects our community
  • 10 minutes direction, projects, and goals: Irasema Cavazos introduces Domesticas Unidas and her goal for a Home Health Co-operative. Discuss future participation in local community events: marches, lobbying, etc.
  • 10 minutes plan and organize for next meeting, establish concrete meeting date, time, and location
  • 10 minutes budgeted for spill over discussion.
Hope to see you there!
April 09, 2018 at 5:00pm - 6pm
Domestics Unidas
1606 Fulton Ave
San Antonio, TX 78201
United States
Google map and directions
Luis de la Cruz ·

Will you come?

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  • Luis de la Cruz
    is hosting. 2018-04-02 12:55:54 -0400

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