Support your local bookstore & d@w when you buy books online

Are you in the U.S., looking to buy books online, and trying to avoid Amazon like the plague? You’re in luck. There is a new online option that supports local bookstores and book lovers like us at Democracy at Work.


Are you in the U.S., looking to buy books online, and trying to avoid Amazon like the plague? You’re in luck. There is a new online option that supports local bookstores and book lovers like us at Democracy at Work.

Democracy at Work is now a proud affiliate of, “an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores.” By design they “give away over 75% of [their] profit margin to stores, publications, authors and others who make up the thriving, inspirational culture around books.”

The d@w bookshop page features recommended reading lists that we’ve created with you, our audience, in mind. If you purchase a book from any of these lists, d@w will receive a 10% commission, and the Bookshop pool of independent bookstores will receive a 10% commission as well.

You can also look for your local bookstore on If they’re signed up and you buy a book from their bookshop page, they’ll receive the full profit off your order. 

Learn more about on their website, and be sure to look through d@w’s bookshop page’s recommended reading lists. Currently we have:

  • Prof Wolff Recommended Reading: Socialism
  • d@w Recommended Reading: Cooperatives
  • Prof Wolff Recommended Reading: Miscellaneous
  • Books by guests of Economic Update

Stay tuned as we continue to add more books and recommended reading lists.

Happy reading.



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