Celebrate our YouTube milestone with Prof Wolff's next Global Capitalism lecture

On election day, our Democracy at Work YouTube channel crossed 200,000 subscribers.
The month before, Richard Wolff’s YouTube channel crossed 100,000 subscribers.

These are enormous milestones for our once small channels...

On election day, our
Democracy at Work YouTube channel crossed 200,000 subscribers.
The month before, Richard Wolff’s YouTube channel crossed 100,000 subscribers.

These are enormous milestones for our once small channels. Our videos feature great minds talking about important ideas simply. They may not fit many people’s conception of what would be successful content on YouTube, and yet we continue to grow at increasingly faster rates. This, we believe, speaks to the growing interest of people in critically analyzing capitalism as a systemic problem in order to envision a better future thanks to a systemic solution.

This is also thanks to you, our loyal audience, for sharing and spreading our work. We are grateful to you all for helping us grow and reach even more people looking to better understand the exploitative and undemocratic system of capitalism, and how to move beyond it.

What a better way to celebrate this sign of a growing movement than by joining us live for the YouTube premiere of Professor Wolff’s November 2020 Global Capitalism lecture. Professor Wolff will analyze the results of the US elections, and discuss their implications for the future. There will also be commentaries from guests such as Nomi Prins, Yanis Varoufakis, and more.

You can get a sneak peak of Prof Wolff’s comments on the election in his recent Wolff Responds video in which he says: “One of the reasons Trump lost is his activities let the [economic and pandemic response] problems fester and get worse. And unless there are big changes, so too will Biden. That creates a danger but also an opportunity for progressives to come up with a radical program."

Join in with the thousands of other d@w YouTube subscribers on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 7:30pm EST for Prof Wolff’s post-election special Global Capitalism lecture. 

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