Capitalism Hits Home: American Mental Health

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Americans are far too often miserable. If we want to discover why people are upset, anxious, panicked and depressed, we have to see what is happening in their lives that agonizes them.

Market solutions are sold to compensate from our capitalism which drives people apart. We need to cooperate with one another, share our nation’s wealth, share the decisions that shape our lives., and join each other connected in movements for change. All the above foster mental health!

Dr Harriet Fraad is a Mental Health Counselor and hypnotherapist in private practice in New York City. Her work explores the intersections of American personal, economic and political life.

Her most recent articles appeared in Alternet, (2018) and the Book Knowledge Class and Economics: Marxism Without Guarantees (2018). She appears regularly on the radio/TV show Economic Update and also appears on such shows as Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp on RT TV. Her work can be found on her website



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