[S6 E06] New
In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad continues to explore the ways our upbringing within gender roles impact our relationship to society, and specifically, why it’s mostly men who commit acts of mass violence. Women traditionally occupy the role of “care worker” and learn to relate differently through the act of caring. Those care occupations, however, are some of the lowest paid and are highly undervalued. Other countries, such as New Zealand and Sweden, are exploring different ways of addressing both how children are raised in relation to gender as well as how to pay care workers a wage that reflects the skill and value of the work. Dr. Fraad looks at how these countries are making positive change and explores what we can learn from them.
*Note: The current number of COVID deaths in New Zealand, according to the World Health Organization, is approximately 2,560. The statistic used by Dr. Harriet Fraad was from the first 2 years of the pandemic in New Zealand.
Capitalism Hits Home is a Democracy At Work production. The show addresses the intersection of capitalism, class, and personal lives, and explores what is happening in the economic realm and its impact on our individual and social psychology.
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Check out the 2021 Hardcover edition of “Understanding Marxism,” with a new, lengthy introduction by Richard Wolff is available at: https://www.lulu.com/
“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.” - Richard Wolff
Check out all of d@w’s books: "The Sickness is the System," "Understanding Socialism," by Richard D. Wolff, and “Stuck Nation” by Bob Hennelly http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/democracyatwork
Dr. Harriet Fraad's Recommended Reading list: https://bookshop.org/lists/dr-harriet-fraad-recommended-reading-capitalism-hits-home
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Referenced Work:
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona by Barbara Kingsolver