d@w-San Diego Monthly Action Group Meeting

 There is a d@w-group meeting in your area.  d@w-San Diego is having it's Monthly Action Group Meetup: 



The next d@w-San Diego meeting will be on Sunday, September 24th @ 1:00 - 4:00 PM at the  

Mission Valley Branch Library
This month topic will be:  D@WSD's screening of "Shift Change"

We will be screening a film rarely seen in public! 

  • Shift Change is an award winning film telling the inside stories of the evolution of the industrial and services cooperative enterprise movements, Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, the largest worker owned and operated democratically run cooperative enterprise in the world. 
  • With over 75,000 worker owners as of 2017, it is a network of hundreds of cooperative enterprises in the Basque region of Spain started in the 1950's to address the failure of the capitalist system to provide vitally needed work and a decent standard of living for its citizens.
  • Other cooperative enterprises featured in this important documentary illustrate American cooperatives including the famous Arizmendi Bakeries in the Bay Area.
Following the screening of this documentary we'll be discussing what you've learned and how "Shift Change" can be adapted into today's American economy.


A worker cooperative or worker-self directed enterprises is a business entity that is owned and controlled by the people who work in it.  They usually invest with a buy-in amount of money when they begin working. Worker cooperatives are equally owned and governed by worker-members who also earn money from the profits of their labor. There are no CEOs  or outside controlling investors making multi-million dollar salaries while workers receive minimum wage.




In worker cooperatives, decision-making is democratic, so each worker has one vote, and policies can’t be determined by an investor whose only priority is profit.


For more background on service and industrial cooperative enterprises review our online Democracy@Work San Diego Education section at democracyatworksandiego.org.





September 24, 2017 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Mission Valley Branch Library
2123 Fenton Pkwy
San Diego, CA 92108-4739
United States
Google map and directions
George Kallas ·

Will you come?

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  • George Kallas
    is hosting. 2017-09-18 12:22:44 -0400

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