Economic Update: A Socialist Politician Wins

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[S9 E29]

This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff brings updates on the deprivation of non-white students, how fast food is made worse for profit, Wayfair workers’ demand for power, more scapegoating of immigrants and how companies promises of gains going to workers from the 2017 Trump tax cut proved to be another falsehood.

In the second half of this week’s show, Professor Wolff interviews Lee Carter, an elected socialist from the 50th District of Virginia to the State Legislature is running again, and winning.

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Prof. Wolff's latest book "Understanding Marxism"


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Delegate Lee Carter was elected in the historic 2017 wave in Virginia, and he currently serves the people of Manassas and Prince William County in the House of Delegates. He was inspired to run after being hurt on the job and subsequently failed by Virginia’s worker compensation system. Delegate Carter has spent the last two years fighting for worker protections, healthcare for all Virginians, criminal justice reform, and consumer rights. He's up for reelection this November.


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