Economic Update: Capitalism's Crimes


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Updates on Planned Parenthood, Irish and French unions' initiatives. Responses to questions on the VW scandal and the TPP deals. In depth update and analysis of the ongoing Crisis in Greece with Prof. Harry Konstantinides.

Showing 2 comments

  • Eric White
    followed this page 2016-09-13 17:17:38 -0400
  • Tes Welborn
    commented 2015-10-14 23:42:09 -0400
    I recently listened to the program. I am a big fan. Still, in 2nd half, I found myself pondering—is there another way to explain surplus value, even another term? It was getting a little heavy going, there. In SF, many are progressive to radical, a friend says radicals do the work of studying, etc. not just having feelings and sending email…
    It’d sure be great if that Scandinavian nation had implemented the buy companies out program, and if we would…I appreciate talk re class. I have attended a workshop on same. And am wading thru Piketty, tho it is suprisingly readable. I’d enjoy another segment on his omissions.

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