Economic Update: Politicians Faking it


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This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff delivers updates on Luxembourg making all public transportation free, how Europe is evading U.S. sanctions on Iran, Saudi Arabia sleaze deals with Trump, Deutsche Bank’s massive corruption and how Pompeo's anti-China strategy contradicts Trump "nationalism." 

The second half of the show features an interview journalist Bob Hennelly on politicians betraying workers' and local citizens' needs.

Bob Hennelly is an award winning print and broadcast investigative journalist. He is a staff reporter with the New York City based Chief-Leader newspaper which has been covering public unions and the civil service since 1897. He is a regular contributor to Salon where he writes on the economy and labor. He has been published in the Guardian, the New York Times, CBS-MoneyWatch and dozens of other websites and publications. His broadcast credits include CBS’s 60 Minutes, the PBS NewsHour, NPR, C-Span and the BBC.

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