Economic Update: Strikes and the Labor Movement Today

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On this week's episode, Prof. Richard D. Wolff talks about the closing of 6,400 retail stores in 2017, decline in US housing starts, 800 major corporations oppose Trump on DACA, US child poverty rates, US to rely on banks' "self-reporting" of their misdeeds, and significance of California Disclose Act.

Special Guest: Investigative journalist Bob Hennelly on Local 3 strike in New York and its importance to the US labor movement today. To see the second half of this week's episode, sign up as a patron on Patreon.


Showing 5 comments

  • Betsy Avila
    commented 2017-10-09 12:58:32 -0400
    @xenophrenia, the full podcast is available on this page at no cost, just click on the orange play button below the video to listen to the full conversation.
  • Xeno Phrenia
    commented 2017-10-08 17:56:51 -0400
    While I understand the need to make money – I can’t afford to pay anything … as one of those that cannot afford to be nickle and dimed to death by all the podcasts I listen to when I have time … you know because things like medicine and food and rent kind of matter … I’m am seriously disappointed to find that you – like so many others – are fucking over those of us you claim to be helping by removing our access to even more information that only those fortunate enough not to have survive are allowed to have …
  • Em B
    commented 2017-10-03 19:26:49 -0400
    Very interesting interview with Bob Hennelly, who is very clear about labor issues past and present. I’d like to hear more conversation with RW and BH, esp about “21st century feudalism” and labor norms for the 40-hour work week. Also interested in learning about how ‘normal’ work loads are (were) established and enforced (tricky now because of digital technology, many blurred lines). Curious to hear more about ‘labor education’ and initiatives for long-term planning for education/skills development (‘Where do I want to be in 5 years?’) - I think most people expect to leave the workforce and take on expensive student loans to develop new skills. Thought it was important to hear that corruption in organized labor contributed to the disorganized labor situation that we cope with now.

    Regarding workplace ‘solidarity’ - this is an alien concept. There are many violations of trust among workers. Workloads are out of balance. Every employee is on at a different rate. There are capricious practices for praise and discipline - my workforce is willing to accept promotions without pay raises because social status is prized and they believe it when profitable employer claims bad numbers (‘budgets are tight’, ‘we had a bad year’, etc). Reorganizations occur with rapid frequency, almost always result in layoffs and intensify anxieties among workers who are already intimidated. My workforce has no solidarity about jobs being transferred to India, for example. Younger workers believe they are passing through so they do not care about retirement benefits, which have eroded - easily, without resistance. My workforce will not defend itself, beyond saying bad things about people behind their backs.

    It was encouraging to hear words like this about work. Good luck to Local 3.
  • Jeff Pierro
    commented 2017-10-03 10:47:01 -0400
    This week’s episode of economic update is as much nonsense as every week’s episode is. I hear you talking about unions and protections and benefits and then I hear your guests saying that 1800 electrical union members are in foreclosure. Please explain to me what protections and benefits unions offer if their people are having their houses foreclosed on. Thank you
  • Will Cooper
    commented 2017-10-01 23:52:55 -0400
    Union leadership today has a too cozy relationship with management. Witness the UAW’s new contract negotiations with the Big 3 automakers in 2015. They discourage militarism and have the attitude that workers should just be grateful they have a job. The workers need to break away from the traditional unions and form organizations that will fight forcefully for decent wages and benefits. The auto companies are making huge profits, but the rank and file don’t benefit from the surplus labor.

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