On this week's episode: Updates on United Airlines' flier abuse, Cuomo's flawed "free college" plan, what to do as self-drive vehicles end millions of jobs, and how big investors plan to cash in on Trump infrastructure plans. Special Guest: Frank R. Annunziato on tragedy of US labor unions today, why that tragedy happened, and how to reverse it.
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You want to change the system? Do what Mondragon did. Do what CCA Global Partners did. Pool assets and resources between enterprises to build community wealth for the growth of the cooperative movement.
This isn’t rocket science or brain surgery anymore. It’s already been done with resounding success. No need to reinvent the wheel. Just democratize the ownership of capital to create new jobs in democratic enterprise.
It ain’t easy, but it is simple and it’s already been done. Please let me know when the job ads come out in Yes! Magazine for a hamburger flipper or a taxi driver with a bad attitude.
-were the German and Nordic unions more imaginative than the Americans?Also interesting about how ‘half-crazy’ workers are needed to organize a union. I can tell you that will not work in my industry, which is very overdue for balance in its labor relations. What might work, however, is Oprah. My workforce will lift no finger in defense of their own jobs, much less stand up for the jobs of their colleagues. But if labor issues can become trendy like yoga, smoothies, or any other topic that gets beauty treatment in artful layouts in O Magazine, then maybe. But traditional unionization efforts led by half-crazy activists will not work. The industry loves those people because they’re very easy to throw under the bus. Instead, if you know of any other labor actions that can be accomplished with stone silence, sideways glances, rolled eyes, or dirt dished at lunch with pledges for strictest confidentiality, please let us know!