Examining the world we want to see

There is no end to the shocking, heartbreaking, and alarming news as of late. It’s easy to get sucked into, and to be overwhelmed by it. It can also be distracting, tearing our focus away from the world we want to see. 

If you’d like to realign your perspective, we’d like to suggest our podcast All Things Co-op. 

There is no end to the shocking, heartbreaking, and alarming news as of late. It’s easy to get sucked into, and to be overwhelmed by it. It can also be distracting, tearing our focus away from the world we want to see. 

If you’d like to realign your perspective, we’d like to suggest our podcast All Things Co-op. 

The current Season 2 focuses entirely on the Rochdale Principles, which were first written in 1844 and were adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in 1937. Kevin, Cinar and Larry dive into these principles one at a time, examining the practical effects, challenges, and deeper meanings of each of these rules. 

  1. Voluntary and Open Membership
  2. Democratic Member Control
  3. Member Economic Participation
  4. Autonomy and Independence
  5. Education, Training and Information
  6. Co-operation among Co-operatives
  7. Concern for Community

We’ve just published Episode 4 which explores the third principle, Member Economic Participation. We hope this show provides a deeper understanding of our shared goals for a more just and equitable society, which we need now more than ever.

Thank you to the Patrons of All Things Co-op who support our ability to provide this show for free.

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