Messaging Statement


Democracy at Work is a source of societal analysis.
We are producing a collective body of work that can shape a collective understanding, develop a collective wisdom, and contribute to collective action. We make no assertion that our work is neutral. It may be truthful and factual, but it is made with a specific interpretation of our world and what would make it a better place for all.

This is where we are coming from at Democracy at Work:

  • We are critical of our capitalist system, which we define capitalism as the employer-employee relationship, and believe is inherently flawed, exploitative, and at odds with democracy.
  • We believe a better future is rooted in democracy: in our politics, our economy, our workplace, and our daily lives. This belief is influenced in large part from Marxist and socialist traditions.
  • We respect and support all people regardless of differences. We strive to be kind. We respect the marginalized communities most affected by our capitalist system by honoring their choices for attribution, terminology, etc.

Our collective nature is represented in the differences among our contributors.

While rooted in the above principles, our work includes the voices and opinions of many people. We recognize democracy is not about 100% agreement, but rooted in cooperating through differing opinions and viewpoints. We respect and celebrate the differences that are not in contrast to our core principles and acknowledge that the views expressed in each show do not necessarily reflect the views of our entire organization.

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