Follow all of our platforms on social media for content beyond the shows…
Democracy at Work should be accessible, timely and relevant. That’s why we’re always sharing our new shows, related news, and memes related to our content on our social media!
If you haven’t already, subscribe and follow us on any of your favorite platforms for a daily dose of Democracy at Work.
All of our video shows can be found on YouTube! Not only that, you can access short and shareable clips, full lectures, and even translated versions of our shows as well. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube to keep us in your feed and boost our platform.
Be sure to check out our fastest growing platform: the d@w Instagram. We’re connecting all of the memes we share to something we’re talking about in our shows! Get a laugh, show your friends and help them find a perspective that says we need democracy in the workplace.
On Twitter, follow us for updates on all of our work and relevant news to the cooperative, anti-capitalist movement. Don’t forget to follow Prof Wolff as well! His quick witted insights are always ready for a retweet.
Finally, we operate three pages on Facebook. For all things Democracy at Work, your like and follow will keep our clips and shows in your newsfeed- ready to share with your friends and family. You’ll also find the Economic Update page, which always shares articles that Prof Wolff specifically uses to research for each show. Don’t forget to like and follow his own page as well.
We share all of these platforms to make sure our perspective is heard and expand our audience. We hope you’re including us in your news feed, wherever you use social media! If your favorite platform isn’t on here, let us know.
We’re grateful to have your engagement with all of our work, wherever it is. You can always support us by sharing our work or learning about the many ways you can donate to d@w. Whatever way you support our growing platform, thank you for partnering with us.