Available Now: “Understanding Marxism” in hardcover, with a new introduction by Prof Wolff

Our new, 2021 hardcover edition of Understanding Marxism is now available! It features a lengthy new introduction by author Richard D. Wolff, which explains and shares our excitement about the ways in which Marxism helps us to critically rethink capitalism today, and offers new directions for social development beyond and better than the capitalism we have.

Our new, 2021 hardcover edition of Understanding Marxism is now available! It features a lengthy new introduction by author Richard D. Wolff, which explains and shares our excitement about the ways in which Marxism helps us to critically rethink capitalism today, and offers new directions for social development beyond and better than the capitalism we have.

“For someone new to Marxism, Understanding Marxism could be, at first, a flashlight illuminating a pathway through a dark hallway. For someone gaining familiarity with Marxism (possibly the same reader just described, some time later), this book could be a floor plan of the overall layout of the theory’s structure.” - Zoe Sherman, Dollars & Sense

Get your copy today! Professor Wolff generously donated his time and work to this book so that all sales revenue could go to support d@w.

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