10 Years of Impact
This year, d@w is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We have been producing free content that analyzes capitalism critically as a systemic problem and advocates for democratizing workplaces as part of a systemic solution for a decade!
As we reflect on the past 10 years and look ahead to the next, we’d be honored to know the thoughts of you, our audience.
To help us celebrate and grow our reach, we would be most grateful if you’d be willing to share comments that we could publish publicly.
Submit us your comments here. You could...
- tell us what you value about d@w,
- tell us which show(s) and book(s) you love and why,
- tell us what makes us different from the rest.
Please indicate if we have permission to publish your comments publicly and how you would like to be attributed.
Thank you for your comments. Thank you for listening, watching, following, and supporting. We are going strong after 10 years thanks to YOU!
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