Capitalism Hits Home: COVID-19: A Psychological, Political and Economic Plague

[S2 E06] New

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On this show, Dr. Fraad talks about the Corona Virus tragedy in the US brought to you by Trump and those who serve him. It effects our whole lives as each area, the personal, political and economic interact. We can do something about it!

We appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay in releasing this CHH episode. We are doing our best under unusual circumstances and strained times to bring you new content as quickly and timely as possible. 

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For more from Dr. Fraad, please visit her website at


Showing 3 comments

  • Jennifer Cancio
    commented 2020-04-25 23:20:04 -0400
    Will you do a podcast about the intersections of psychology, capitalism, and the climate crisis? When you mentioned getting back to work at the end of this video, I felt pain inside because I feel like if we all just go back to work and feed capitalism, which relies on unending growth, that I’m literally a cog in the wheel that is causing climate destruction and harming beings now and into the future. I lost all my jobs since covid-19 and it’s a turning point for me because I’m more ready to let go of my old life and embrace a new lifestyle to help the earth, but I d ok not know what to do. I just feel that there is too much “productivity” going on because of capitalism and its unnecessary and ultimately harmful to the climate. I want a simpler life, but beyond that, I’m not sure what to do.
  • Carolyn Bennett Phd
    commented 2020-04-13 14:48:55 -0400
    You covered it all, and you did it with a civil tongue. Thank you, Doc. I hope other Americans hear you well.
  • Paul Vetter
    commented 2020-04-10 16:03:01 -0400
    Hi dr Fraad, I’m afraid that the nr of Corona deaths in the US will be far greater than anywhere. Let’s assume a 50% infection rate, or roughly 160 MM US citizens, At a global death rate of 5%, you are loooking at 8 MM extra deaths as a minimum before the year is over. The southern states will be far more affected.

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