This week’s episode of Economic Update features updates from Professor Richard D. Wolff on the labor strikes at Disney, home sales and prices drop sharply, Nestle’s approval to profit from privatizing water, UPS and FedEx profit from Trump’s attack on Amazon and lies about the USPS, why Larry Summers’ idea of taxing unhealthy goods is a bad one, more costs emerge in the VW emissions scandal and the economic costs of sexual harassment.
The second half of the show features an interview with journalist and comedian Julianna Forlano on 'being funny in times like these:
Julianna Forlano is a host, writer, performer and now correspondent for the activism oriented news outlet An adjunct professor in broadcast journalism and new media, Ms. Forlano travels nationally and internationally to perform and to speak on the use of humor as a tool of engagement across disciplines including political activism and the independent media. You can follow Julianna Forlano on Twitter.