[S11 E23] New
In this week's show, Prof Wolff presents updates on the efforts to finally add dental, vision, and hearing coverage to Medicare, the effects of Trump's tariffs on China, and the contradictions between capitalist profiteering and healthcare. In the second half of the show, Wolff is joined by Professor Manny Ness to discuss worker insurgencies and political organizations in the global South today.
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About our guest: Immanuel Ness is Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and Senior Research Associate in the Department of Sociology of the University of Johannesburg. He is the author of books and collections on labour, globalization, migration, and protest movements, including Organizing Insurgency: Workers Movements in the Global South, among many other works. He is editor of the peer review Journal of Labor and Society. He is co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Economic Imperialism. Ness is currently writing a book on migration and global capitalism and another book on the gig economy.
Learn more about Prof Wolff's new book, "The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself," now available. Visit us at www.democracyatwork.info/books
"Richard Wolff in his new book examines frightening and anti-democratic configurations of corporate power, offering not only a blueprint for how we got here, but a plan for how we will rescue ourselves and create new models of economic and political justice.” - Chris Hedges
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Showing 10 comments
I agree with you, Pasqual, that the government (and oligarchs) have “conditioned” this state of public paralysis. You hit the nail on the head, but I’d like to elaborate. They achieve this result through predictive programming fueled by ever present surveillance capitalism. Most are oblivious to this conditioning. But I point to Shoshana Zuboff’s book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” for a thorough and eye-opening account of this practice that has been honed and expanded for many decades.She gives us the tools and language by which to discuss, confront, and ultimately defeat this multi-faceted monster. Not trying to be too hyperbolic here, but surveillance capitalism is not only an attack on our right to privacy and self rule, but truly is an attack on your very soul and being.
A considered response would be to ignore and challenge the sensational gloom and doom stories perpetrated by the “news” and never ending declared states of emergencies which are designed to overwhelm, neutralize, and divide/conquer the otherwise collective masses which hold the real power in society. That’s were the root of the above stated disinclination can be found. These predictive program(s) are fueled by an insatiable appetite for meta data that seeks to turn the brains of the masses into malfunctioning, conditioned compartments of mush. We largely supply the fuel for this conditioning voluntarily
-and virtually on a 24/7- basis. Some of the most obvious tools for this meta-data fueled conditioning are our “smart” phones (both Apple and Android platforms alike), our “smart” thermostats (Nest), and our ’smart" doorbells (Ring). In fact technological devices that begin with the word “smart” are anything but “smart” in relation to being used to enhance your liberty and well being. The appropriate response to this onslaught of data mining and predictive programming is for people to regain the full-range use of their mental capacity (through private conversations and public forums such as this) and exercise their critical sense on a daily basis. ln short, resist. And question authority. Always.We have obviously been programmed to believe these rational responses are evil. They are not. In fact, as I said earlier, none other than Benjamin Franklin, a revolutionary who resisted the tyranny of the British Crown, claimed it it to be your very responsibility as a citizen of this republic. We all should take that responsibility seriously if that is the type of government we wish to live under. If you don’t, the alternative will be your ultimate assimilation into the strongest communist empire on the planet; that of the CCP. I fear we are already largely headed down that road under the digital implementation of surveillance ‘capitalism’. In our case, our nuanced brand of capitalism is that which is fueled by the seemingly unrestrained printing of unfathomable amounts of fiat currency by the State—-with almost all of that being controlled by, and funneled toward, a select group of corporate elites. While we have been conditioned to believe the State and Corporate interests are naturally at odds as a natural form of check and balance (and it probably once was), that has ceased to be the case. The State is no longer regulating Corporate interests. Oligarchs are regulating “elected” officials who, in turn,are obligated to act in their interests rather than that of the public. What we have now, essentially, is a new Global Monarchy;with a New King if you will. Tyranny has evolved in the digital age. The State and Oligarchs are now acting in tandem as they have discovered that the power of printing limitless amounts of fiat currency by Sovereign States (all controlled by the King) is the new form of unhindered human slavery. To their additional benefit, this new form of slavery is no longer limited to any one ethnicity, race, or lower socioeconomic class. It is the enslavement of the public masses in totality that are forced to oblige in the use of this fiat currency (and thus why the challenge of cryptocurrency is so demonized). Unlimited—and it is unlimited, folks, unless a federal balanced budget is forcibly enacted—fiat currency is the new ‘golden goose’ that keeps on giving. If you think the leaders within the CCP are not participatory members of this new brand of slavery, then I believe you are delusional. They are, in fact, the largest single holder of our fiat currency debt by far (I’m not counting Japan whose Debt-to-GDP ratio is an embarrassing 4 fold that of China). Thus, almost all of us in the US are being programmed to be on track to be enslaved by this New King; that of the global Communist State.
Come to think of it— the inevitable firestorm of inflation headed our way may simply become another inconvenient, yet programmed, truth along the way towards the ultimate consolidation of global power (and pubic complacency) by the New King. But not if I can help it.
The U.S., being a republic, should be minded by the people— by right— and by responsibility. The government was created of the people, by the people, and for the people. However, the people have largely abdicated their responsibility as citizens. They seek very little accountability for the most egregious government actions and allow fiscal irresponsibility to rain down upon them virtually unchecked. They think some political messiah will be ‘elected’ at some point and save us all like an updated episode of Superman or Wonderwoman. Of course, that is a foolish fantasy fueled by expensive election cycles that have become nothing more than an expensive anointment process controlled by oligarchs. What we see, as a result, are mini-dictatorships playing out every 4-8 years in the form of “executive orders” rather than a rational legislative representation.That is systematically followed by some flavor of declared state of emergency that requires yet another round of bailout and funny money distribution. Benjamin Franklin famously warned of this very danger in 1787 on the steps of Independence Hall. Strange how ordinary citizens hold the real power— yet are loathe to exercise it. Worse yet, most freely surrender their civil rights enshrined in the constitution in exchange for technological “convenience”. What a terrible exchange. What a political travesty.
What we see in the wake of this populist political power vacuum is a bunch of greedy politicians filling the void and being funded by a small cadre of oligarchs who, in turn, feed off the fiat currency being printed by our government, essentially, at their behest. The treasury has been turned into a veritable “money tree” that is being picked with reckless abandon by corporate elites.
However, this fiat currency printing ponzi scheme will invariably come to an end. That end will be both alarming and abrupt. It will likely be caused by inflationary pressures very few are old enough to remember or even bright enough to fathom.
What I would like to see Mr. Ness convey is the specific and effective revolutionary (meaning transformative—a term progressives are currently enamored with) actions (he says workers are always in motion— and that means actions) Unions are taking in the ever continuing struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed. I won’t buy the book on the slight chance it might be contain a well supported thesis; particularly if he can’t even deliver one specific example of this alleged transformative experience in the global south in this interview. In short, this professor appears in this interview as all bark and no bite. However, I should note that is not uncommon with Richard’s guests. The thrust always appears to sell a book rather than actually motivate the public towards Richards cause of moving us past the inequalities of Capitalism.