Economic Update: Public Policy, Private Pain

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On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Bloomberg finds US "among least efficient" providers of health care, Poland's unions demand wealth sharing role, money corrupts US politics in new way, Trump tariffs bad for many US corporations. 

Prof. Wolff talks with Dr. Harriet Fraad about how public policies, past and present, serve corporate profits but undermine families, households and personal relationships.

Dr. Harriet Fraad is a Mental Health Counselor and hypnotherapist in private practice in New York City. Her work explores the intersections of American personal, economic and political life.  She is the host of our newest podcast Capitalism Hits Home. For more visit

Her most recent articles appeared in Alternet, (2018) and the Book Knowledge Class and Economics: Marxism Without Guarantees (2018). She appears regularly on the radio/TV show Economic Update and also appears on such shows as Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp on RT TV. Her work can be found on her website

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