Economic Update: Socialism Past, Present and Future

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On this week's episode, Prof. Richard D. Wolff elaborates on his critique of Uber and the gig economy, discusses US Senators endorsing inequality, Norway’s recent decision to pay male and female athletes equally, why corporations often buy back their own shares, workers dying due to overwork in Japan, the rise of homeless school children and how the majority of large US corporations pay below the official 35% tax rate.

The second half of this week’s Economic Update features a discussion of the changing economics of socialism. To see the second half, support the show on Patreon.


Showing 4 comments

  • Don Gore
    commented 2017-11-14 07:39:46 -0500
    There is a story in the uber type of insurance now used by companies like Wallmart.
  • William Browett
    commented 2017-11-13 12:18:17 -0500
    Hi … FYI, There has been a bit of a glitch … the “Direct Download” is actually the audio file for the previous post … "Global Capitalism: “China’s Economy Now, Its Growth and Global Impact”"
  • julieanna thompson
    commented 2017-11-12 18:29:49 -0500
    Looking for KPFK’s program today where Socialism – historically and presently – is described in its various forms. I would like to send that to some “Republicanish” friends — tweak them a bit and show that their “scary thoughts” about “socialism” lack credibility. What IS scary is any “ism” that is fundamentally good theoretically becoming tainted with totalitarian dictatorship and corruption – even USA capitalism’s repressive and exploitive duopoly (with Democrats occasionally giving a few morsel to ThePeople) and Congress “being bought” is what runs this country overall.

    Yes, “money makes the world go around” when it might be better if service and production based on ethics and true democracy and true happiness (then the money follows as a result) would be the bottom line. The “bottom line” in Bhutan is its GNH – Gross National Happiness- which is working.

    Quoted from the article: “This approach has had admirable results; not only has the wildlife and landscape of Bhutan been protected (including the endangered snow leopard, and much of the country’s forests), but its cultural traditions have been preserved as well. Its citizens have benefited in other ways, including an extremely high rate of government spending on education and health care (almost 18% of the national budget).”

    I don’t know if they have “worker-owned businesses” or anything like it, but their goals are based on a different foundation: that of happiness and stability for every citizen… This is a type of “socialism” as well. w/critique.

    WHERE IS THE PROGRAM I heard this morning on KPFK – fm? KPFK does not archive it.

  • julieanna thompson
    commented 2017-11-12 17:56:44 -0500
    Where’s the other half of today’s show? what should I click?

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