Cooperative, leftist media for the future

Prof Wolff and the entire Democracy at Work team know that people want to understand alternatives to capitalism, and we are excited to uplift the work of everyone at Means TV “who have done it and who are doing it and [are] a model, a possibility, an example.”

When feudalism gave way to capitalism, it didn’t happen overnight. Over time, what we now call capitalists developed their own economy and power separate from serfdom. Today, a more cooperative, socialist economy is developing in the same way.

To celebrate 10 years of calling for democracy at work, watch or listen to the most recent Economic Update episode with Means TV, the world’s first anti-capitalist streaming service. 

d@w is a proud royalty member of the Means TV cooperative, which produces and distributes fun, engaging, and enlightening anti-capitalist media. It’s important for Means TV co-founder Nick Hayes that their service is anti-capitalist in content and in structure- as a worker cooperative. We’re proud to work with Means TV, where you can watch Economic Update, in building worker-led businesses and challenging capitalism’s media machines.

Hear directly from Nick Hayes, a co-founder and worker-owner of Means TV on his recent appearance on Economic Update, who said that Means TV creates a lot of content as “thought experiments [to] help plant seeds in people from all ideological perspectives, wherever they are in their ideological journey and just empower people to understand that the future isn't written already for us. And that we can remake the world to suit the needs of all of us.”

Prof Wolff and the entire Democracy at Work team know that people want to understand alternatives to capitalism, and we are excited to uplift the work of everyone at Means TV “who have done it and who are doing it and [are] a model, a possibility, an example.”

Economic Update is available on Means TV right now. Please keep supporting Democracy at Work and Means TV for our quality of content, unique perspectives and ethical business practices of workplace democracy. 

For the last 10 years, d@w has supported workplace democracy from a socialist perspective. To help us continue to grow cooperative, leftist media infrastructure for the future, please consider donating to Democracy at Work for our 10th anniversary, sharing why you watch d@w and share our content with your friends, family and social media connections. We’re growing our team all the time, and your support will help us plan to grow for another 10 years.

We’re also inviting you to a conversation on November 18th between renowned Marxist thinkers Richard Wolff and David Harvey focused on the present and future of Marxism. This is a ticketed, virtual event fundraiser to support Democracy at Work. This will be a critical conversation for anyone interested in Marxism’s usefulness today, between two experts with long histories of applying Marx’s ideas to our current politics in insightful and educational ways.

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