Calling volunteers to translate and transcribe for d@w!

Democracy at Work is committed to sharing our content with as many people in as many places as possible. That’s why we are currently looking for volunteer translators & transcribers for our shows.

International conflicts, global inflation and the world’s dark money are trying to extract whatever they can from everyone on Earth. For that reason, Democracy at Work is committed to sharing our content with as many people in as many places as possible. 

That’s why we are currently looking for volunteer translators & transcribers for our shows! If you can submit a translation or transcript for one video a month, you can be a volunteer with d@w. Together, we can share our analysis of capitalism and advocacy for democracy in the workplace to everyone we think will benefit- which is everyone!

Often, listeners of our shows ask for transcripts. Thanks to our dedicated transcriber team, we can offer typed versions of our shows and clips. But we always need more help. This is what one volunteer, Daisy, had to say about why they volunteer with d@w:

“I believe in the work that is being done at D@W and by volunteering I am able to give back to an organization that has given me invaluable knowledge. I want to see this organization grow, and if I can help do that by volunteering some of my time then I am happy to do so. I have nothing to lose but my own chains.”

Our international audience is growing all of the time. Thanks to our dedicated translator volunteers, our videos have been translated into dozens of languages. No matter what language you speak, we would be grateful to offer some of our materials in your language. This is better than spreading the word about d@w. By translating, you transform our work into someone else’s reality! Here’s why Manuel is translating d@w into Spanish.

"It is important to spread a different message that debunks the established capitalist rhetoric. It’s important to ask questions to the system and try to find different perspectives in order to solve fundamental social issues… Translating Democracy at Work's material is a crucial part of this task.”

“Es importante difundir un mensaje diferente que desmitifique la retórica capitalista establecida. Además, es importante cuestionar el sistema y tratar de encontrar distintas perspectivas para resolver los problemas sociales de base… Traducir el material de democracy at work resulta crucial para conseguirlo.”

If you’re interested, please read more on our website and then email [email protected] for a test run and more instructions on how to volunteer with us. As such a small, independent organization, we’re super grateful for all of the volunteers that help us spread Democracy at Work to every corner of the globe. Join us today!

Thanks to our supporters and volunteers, Democracy at Work can make a big impact with a small team. Consider donating to Democracy at Work with a monthly or one-time gift, which helps us spread our message around the world without financial barriers. Thank you for supporting d@w.

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