News consumption is down. We need to change the conversation. This year, join us in spreading our message. Let’s set the tone in 2022 by telling the truth and doing one simple action today to help our mission: share our shows, books and videos with others!
News consumption has hit new lows in the U.S. And we understand.
Mainstream media offers dismal headlines but refuses to look for solutions that could change our society. Far-right media sparks divisive conversations among the working class. Democracy at Work produces media to grow an honest understanding of our economy and to spark hope in this time. We’re here to tell people that we can do better than capitalism.
This year, join us in spreading our message. Let’s set the tone in 2022 by telling the truth and doing one simple action today to help our mission: share our shows, books and videos with others!
Reports have found that across the board, news engagement has declined. Media outlets outside the mainstream have seen even steeper downtimes. The d@w team wants to fill in a gap- bringing people honest, accessible yet hopeful analysis of what’s happening. And we need your help.
Sharing on social media is easy. A simple share on Facebook, retweet on Twitter or story post on Instagram can open up a conversation. Perhaps a friend, family member or co-worker shares the same ideas and you didn’t even know! If they don’t, then a trusted person in their life has introduced a new idea that could open their mind.
Consider recommending a show or book from Democracy at Work that has been helpful to you! Has Economic Update given you reliable insight to economics beyond the headlines? Does All Things Co-op help you imagine more worker power in the economy? Did a book like The Sickness Is The System help you see our world differently? The same thing could help someone in your life.
And as always, enjoy our shows on podcast players, like our videos and subscribe to us on YouTube. We’re grateful to have such an active, engaged audience with us. Join us in this effort by sharing our work or learning about the many ways you can donate to d@w. Whatever way you support us, we want to work with you to change the tone in 2022.