How do I start a co-op?

As we begin October, National Co-op Month, we are excited to unveil the many new co-op pages in the Resources section on our website!

How do I start a co-op? Who can help me access specific resources for my co-op? Where do I find cooperatives near me? Why are co-ops such a focus of your work?

For years, we've been answering a growing number of questions like these as best we could. But as we begin October, National Co-op Month, we are excited to unveil the many new co-op pages in the Resources section on our website!

These pages not only explain what cooperatives are, they make the case for why they are a critical part of a stronger, fuller democracy. 

These pages not only direct you to d@w media about cooperatives, they offer tangible resources for co-op creators & the co-op curious. 

These pages not only provide relevant pieces of cooperative history, they connect you to the present cooperative community

Look through our Finding Co-ops page to see a list of featured cooperative organizations that are d@w partners or are part of our larger network. We’re using our growing platform to lift up the fantastic work of these organizations and give our audience direct pathways to engage with co-ops.

If you or anyone you know is interested in starting a co-op, learning about them and how they can help us create a democratic economy, visit our new co-ops page on our website!

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