Economic Update Episode List: Season 8

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Season 8 ran from June to December 2018, totaling 26 half hour episodes.

What Elections Hide

No guest

Season 08 - Episode 26

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Updates on LA vote on public bank; contradictions of Trump's "nationalism;" big business criticism of tariffs; corporations like 7-Eleven use immigration crisis for profits. Major discussion: the urgent social issues that elections ignore or hide.

Cooperation Jackson: A Closer Look

Guest Kali Akuno, co-founder of Cooperation Jackson

Season 08 - Episode 25

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This week’s updates include: massive international study of profit-driven food production, the huge costs of contemporary loneliness, police raid Deutsche Bank, Falling house prices, Belgium follows France in mass street demonstrations, and US economy hurt by poor incomes of Millennials. Interview with Kali Akuno, co-founder of Cooperation Jackson, the Mississippi development project focused on worker co-ops.

The Great American Purge

No guest

Season 08 - Episode 24

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The program begins by explaining the economics behind the great US anti-leftist purge (“McCarthyism”) after 1945. It then shows the economic impacts of that purge over the last half century. Finally, it explains how that history produced a very different political response to the crash of 2008 compared to FDR’s response to 1929.

Seattle Firm Converts to a Worker Co-op

Matthias Scheiblehner, worker co-op owner

Season 08 - Episode 23

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Updates on Amazon subsidized by New York, Virginia; French people act to limit corporate greed, Sears favors bosses in bankruptcy too, Pfizer ups drug prices despite Trump, California fires expose US economic divide. Guest Matthias Scheiblehner discusses why his Seattle construction firm converted into a worker co-op.

Why Capitalism Demonizes Government

No guest

Season 08 - Episode 22

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Updates on UK war on "Unexplained Wealth," why capitalism needs yet attacks government, historical realilty of low wages in US, cozy deals between big corporations and credit rating agencies again. Major discussions of capitalism's oscillations between nationalist and internationalist phases (are we now moving backwards to nationalism again?) and once more on the inefficiency and immorality of markets as a mechanism of distribution.

US Midterm Elections

Guest Professor David Harvey

Season 08 - Episode 21

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Updates on how China hits back economically; capitalism surviving in Italy through explosive debt creation; why lotteries have heavy economic costs; and how Grinnell College undergraduate workers successfully organized. Interview with Prof. David Harvey on a Marxist view of the US midterm elections: causes and consequences.

Follow the Money

Guest Riva Enteen, editor of Follow the Money

Season 08 - Episode 20

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Updates on profits-vs-science and weedkiller “roundup,” most Americans not better off than in 2016, WHO reports bans on corporal punishment of kids and how doing so saves money too, Janet Yellen warns huge corporate debts risk another major economic crash. Interview with Riva Enteen, editor of Follow the Money, a collection of KPFA interviews.

US "Sugar Arrangements” Industry

Guest Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst

Season 08 - Episode 19

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Updates on latest foreign and US elections, the CEA document against socialism, growing inequality of billionaires’ wealth, army represses report on costs and errors of Iraq war, and expose of Maine’s subsidy for corporations by helping indebted students. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on the US “Sugar Arrangements” industry.

Virginia Elects a Socialist

Guest Lee Carter, socialist elected to Virginia House of Delegates

Season 08 - Episode 18

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Updates on the political economy of Trump/GOP attacks on China and their long term costs; parallel analysis of attacks on immigrants; Michelle Alexander on who “The Resistance” is; and record funds pouring into US midterm elections. Interview with Lee Carter, a socialist elected to Virginia House of Delegates.

A Deepening Crisis of Capitalism

Guest Chris Hedges whose latest book is America: The Farewell Tour

Season 08 - Episode 17

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Updates on IMF prediction of slowing global growth, Bank of England warnings on accumulation of sub-prime debt, Nordhaus Nobel prize and market ideology, Dutch unions and others against corporate tax evasion, and signs of labor militancy in Marriott strike and profit-sharing demands of steelworkers. Interview Chris Hedges on his latest book: America: The Farewell Tour.

The "Immigration Issue" and Capitalism

No guest

Season 08 - Episode 16

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Updates on UK's Liberal Democrats advocating serious reduction of wealth and income inequality, Sears CEO blames pensions for Sears' problems, JP Morgan predicts next financial collapse in 2020, failure to deal with opioid crisis, G-20 meeting in Argentina evades real issues, Europeans clash with US over trade with Iran, trivial SEC fine for Citigroup dishonesty with investors. Major discussion: political economy of immigration as a right-wing issue and an effective left-wing response.

Public Policy, Private Pain

Guest Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst

Season 08 - Episode 15

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Updates on Bloomberg finds US "among least efficient" providers of health care, Poland's unions demand wealth sharing role, money corrupts US politics in new way, Trump tariffs bad for many US corporations. Interview: Dr. Harriet Fraad on how public policies, past and present, serve corporate profits but undermine families, households and personal relationships.

Black Socialists of America

Guests  Z and Sean, two leaders of new BSA.

Season 08 - Episode 14

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Updates on Chicago hotel workers strike and Philadelphia parking lot attendants organizing, Cuomo's centrist, money-dependent campaign, another socialist (Julia Salazar) wins election, McDonald's workers strike in 10 cities against employer's failure to stop sexual harassment. Interview: Z and Sean, two leaders of new BSA.

Launching a New University

Guest Michael Pelias

Season 08 - Episode 13

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Updates on Tenth Anniversary of Lehman Brothers Bank collapse, assisting Ocasio-Cortez show how to finance socialist projects, Colin Kaepernick's ad for Nike and contradictions of capitalism. Interview with Michael Pelias on launching a new Left University in New York: rationale and goals.

Capitalism Invites Deepening Criticism

Guest Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst

Season 08 - Episode 12

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Updates on a new approach to Labor Day, the DNC accepts fossil fuel donations, Turkey's crisis as typical capitalist instability, the collapse of Genoa toll bridge, the exploding gap between CEO and average worker pay, and a Gallup Poll on capitalism vs socialism in US. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on why U.S. workers don't rebel more against systemic deprivations.

Capitalism's Problems Provoke Opposition

Guest Troy Walcott, a Spectrum Cable technician on strike

Season 08 - Episode 11

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Updates on Missouri vote for union position, the irrationality of student debt, the economic sanction of Iran isolates and costs U.S. for Trump political gains, Monsanto puts profits over cancer risks, the Louisiana legislature punishes big banks for lending to assault rifle producers (not for money laundering, illegal fees, mortgage loan disaster etc.). Interview Troy Walcott, a Spectrum Cable technician on strike in New York City.

Changed by its Contradictions

No guest

Season 08 - Episode 10

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Updates on the growing poverty rate in California, the epidemic of childhood obesity in the U.S, and the economic fallout of Trump's steel tariff. In the second half, Professor Wolff gives an explanation of how politics in the United States has sustained capitalism and what the politics of change will require.

One Big Push Against Capitalism

Guests Matt Christman and Will Menaker of the Chapo Trap House podcast

Season 08 - Episode 09

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Updates on the social costs of criminalizing marijuana, U.S. food outlets being taken over by foreign conglomerates, the capitalist spawned labor conflict in India, Trump and the Signature Bank swamp, and New Zealand mandates 10-days paid leave for victims of domestic violence. Interview with Matt Christman and Will Menaker of the Chapo Trap House podcast phenomenon.

Hidden Failures of Capitalism

Guest Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst

Season 08 - Episode 08

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Updates on Europe's higher labor force participation, NY Governor Cuomo’s campaign is faking "small donations,” U.S. restaurants decline as pinched incomes force home delivery of food, how the "market" housing system causes homelessness, and how the U.S. educational system fails to overcome a racial wealth gap. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on the causes and consequences of US declining fertility rate.

We Can Do Better Than Capitalism

Guests Cheryl Claude, a former Toys ‘R Us manager and labor organizer Charles Khan

Season 08 - Episode 07

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Updates on a New Zealand firm that succeeds with a 4 day work week, Vienna's public housing successes, Fordham adjuncts' union wins big, Burberry destroys millions of dollars worth of unsold product, precarious U.S. jobs worsen alcoholism among young, and U.S. airlines raises profits by shrinking bathroom space. Interview with Cheryl Claude, a former Toys ‘R Us manager and organizer Charles Khan on the collapse of Toys ‘R Us.

Millennials for Revolution

Guest Moumita Ahmed, activist and co-founder of Millennials for Revolution

Season 08 - Episode 06

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Updates on how Trump's tariffs are affecting Americans jobs, shifting capitalist alliances don’t change the system, the Irish parliament’s decision to stop investing in fossil fuels, how Washington state forced fast food employers to stop rigging labor market against employees, why Germany's "dependence" on Russia is less that the U.S. dependence on China, and why China is not "stealing" U.S. technology. Interview with Moumita Ahmed, activist and co-founder of Millennials for Revolution.

Historic Lessons

Elizabeth Marciano, a West Virginia teacher

Season 08 - Episode 05

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Another automotive manufacturer caught cheating emissions tests, the reality of Americans’ value on labor unions, how the GOP corporate tax cuts are mainly boosting share prices, worsened inequality in the U.S., and the reality VS the fakery of the Trump/GOP trade war. Interview with Elizabeth Marciano, a West Va. teacher, about their historic and successful public school teacher strikes.

Labor Vs. Capitalism

Guest Dr. Harriet Fraad, psychoanalyst

Season 08 - Episode 04

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Updates on Left victory in Mexico's election, SCOTUS's Janus decision, Trump’s Foxconn fakery in Wisconsin, the GOP’s forced labor for Medicaid beneficiaries; and the scapegoating of immigrants exposed. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad on the personal, psychological effects of a dying US empire.

Criticizing Capitalism

Guest Professor David Harvey

Season 08 - Episode 03

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Updates on Colorado’s laws favoring co-ops, capitalism and suicide continues, rent control on the California ballot, the effects of U.S. foreign trade controls, the French government vs GE, and Ford buys an old train station it helped destroy. Interview with Professor David Harvey on Karl Marx’s contribution to understanding capitalism today.

Contradictions Coming Home

Guest Eli Campbell, student debt activist

Season 08 - Episode 02

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Updates on the exploding suicide rate in the U.S, irrational home-building reflects and worsens inequality, VA nurses sue because of overwork required but not paid for, Uihlein family donating large sums to extreme right wing candidates (including Roy Moore), and mocking claims that this is a one-person-one-vote democracy. Interview with Eli Campbell on the exploding student debt issue and the campaign to boycott its repayment.

Tariffs in an Unraveling Economy

Guest Bob Hennelly, journalist

Season 08 - Episode 01

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Updates on tariffs as political fiction, the Irish state apologizes for the gross exploitation of young women, the continuation of illegal toxic vehicle emissions, and NY Senator Gillibrand seeks to cut restrictions on worker co-ops. Interview with reporter Bob Hennelly on the US housing crisis as a sign of an unraveling economy.


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