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Season 14
Season 14 began in January 2024, and will run through December 2024.
Debris From A Declining Empire
No Guest
February 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 10)
This week's episode of Economic Update we discuss we discuss United Kingdom politician George Galloway by-election victory, and the raised minimum wage in UK. We will comment on Elon Musk's lawsuit against the NLRB, as Trader Joe, Starbucks, and Amazon also join to ask right-wing Supreme Court to gut regulation of business. We then look at US protectionism as the Biden administration raises tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, in an attempt to keep Chinese EV's from US markets. Then in labor news we discuss Starbucks’ negotiations with unions and how Michigan’s legislature killed "right-to-work" law after 58 years. Finally, we have an Interview Richard RJ Esjow on the current decline of the “US Empire”. Richard Eskow is a journalist and host of The Zero Hour. a syndicated radio and television program. A lead writer, speechwriter, and editor for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign, he was also a featured columnist at The Huffington Post. He worked for years in the corporate world, with governments and with multinational organizations as the World Bank, specializing in healthcare financing, policy, and information technology.
Capitalism, Gender, And A Split Society
Dr. Harriet Fraad
February 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 09)
This week's episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we discuss the underemployed of US college graduates, failed anti-Russian sanctions, the collapsed UK birthrate, and expanding wars in the Middle East, we will dive into the costs and risks in absence of a ceasefire in Gaza. Finally we Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of Capitalism Hits Home and a clinical therapist. Professor Wolff and Dr. Fraad explore the post 1970's deindustrialization in the US, its impact on white males versus other social groups, and resulting US social splits.
Malaika Jabali
February 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 08)
This week's episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we discuss the Philadelphia University of the Artist Faculty Union and its struggles; we clarify what declining inflation does and does not mean; we answer the question: as to why sanctions fail. Finally we interview Essence Magazine's senior news & politics editor author, lawyer Malaika Jabali and discuss her newly released book "It's Not You Its Capitalism".
No Guest
February 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 07)
This week's episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we discuss Germany's recession, California fast-food workers unionize, How the war in Ukraine boosts US stock market, corporate stock holdings, while hurting most wage/salary incomes, In addition we ask what lessons from the protest/revolt of European farmers? Finally, the ongoing exposing of major injustices of the US federal tax system (tax exemptions for schools, churches, hospitals, and charities and social security's flat tax system)
The U.S. Tax System Designed For Economic Injustice
No Guest
February 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 06)
This week's episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we will be discussing the increasingly more common corporate threats to force remote workers back to working onsite. We then turn to Ukraine war economics, U.S. vs BGI as anti-Chinese economic nationalism, US's escalation of war in the Middle East, and finally a critique of the US tax system's injustices.
The U.S. Economy As An Apartheid System
Guest: Michael Hudson
January 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 05)
This week's episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we will be discussing the continuing decline of US manufacturing; a 29,000 person strike at California State Univ.; the Houthis disrupt Red Sea shipping in move against Israel; and Texas refuses to obey US federal government's rules in struggle over immigration and white supremacy. In addition we have a special Interview with leading economist Prof. Michael Hudson on basic crises facing US capitalism.
U.S. Capitalism At The Crossroads
No Guest
January 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 04)
This week’s Economic Update Professor Richard Wolff discusses the special dimensions and qualities of the US labor movement's current dynamism; Thomas Piketty’s analysis showing how capitalism generates widening wealth and income gaps leading to crashes or simmering, divisive, and domestic resentments. Leading to the system itself becomes destabilized.
No Guest
January 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 03)
In this week's episode of EU, Prof.Wolff delivers updates on the mass closing of Greyhound bus stations around the U.S., the escalating strengths of Russian obstacles in Ukraine, the choice the UK faces between paying for the bombing of Yemen or funding their National Health Service, how Boeing's safety debacle propelled China into the lead of global automotive exports and how Israel has also been aversely affected by the shifts and changes of the world economy caused by the decline of U.S. dominance.
No Guest
January 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 02)
In this weeks show, Prof. Wolff analyzes the corporation. It stands as a basic institution blocking real democracy in our society. The corporation's structure and operations empower and enrich a tiny social minority at the expense of the people's wealth and democratic power. Like the critiques of slave plantations and feudal manors that preceded the disappearance of those systems, the growing critique of capitalism reflects but also informs critical social movements now.
No Guest
January 2024 (Season 14 - Episode 01)
Happy New Year! For our first Economic Update of 2024, Professor Richard Wolff discusses the myth of the current narrative of the United States disconnecting itself economically from the Republic of China
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