Latest Releases
Economic Update: Green Party vs 2-Party Monopoly

[S12 E09] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about the UK selling visa to the rich, why "non-profit" is really "un-taxed," Apple's CEO's 2021 pay of $99 million, AOC and NYPD arrests for stealing...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Yugoslav Experiment

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I wanted to know if you could explain the socialist model of Yugoslavia under the Tito government, how the companies self-managed by the workers worked, how they competed in the...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Sex Work - A Marxian Class Analysis

[S5 E05] New
In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad brings a Marxian class analysis to a highly controversial topic: sex work. Though illegal in the United States, sex work is all around—from brothels and sex trafficking to...
More →All Things Co-op: Why The Left Needs to Grow the Cooperative Movement

[S5 E10] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin, Cinar, and Larry discuss the urgency of scaling the cooperative movement. Traditional capitalist enterprises leave the majority of workers feeling trapped and exploited. Democratically-run worker co-ops are a functional solution to a system built on...
More →Economic Update: Unaffordable Housing

[S12 E08] New
Ask Prof Wolff: Population Growth & Social Security

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I have heard various politicians, from both left and right, argue that to “look after” an aging population there is a requirement for population growth. The premise of the argument being that there needs to be sufficient numbers of working age people to fund those that have retired. My assumption is that it's...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Technological Dynamism

Season 4 starts now!!!
[S4 E01] New
Technological dynamism comes in various forms: the organizational form, used to improve social productivity, such as the just in time system implemented by the automobile industry; the software of production which centers around keeping employees happy and motivated; and the hardware of technological change, via machinery and equipment. Technological change is driven by the coercive laws of competition...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Corporate Debt & Government Bailouts

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "You frequently mention the amount of corporate debt in America (which exceeds $18 trillion, an outdated statistic by now), despite having record profits, which are used to buy back stocks to pay dividends to shareholders. As this is the case with capitalism, the bubble always bursts eventually. Under "normal" conditions, the losers would be absorbed by...
More →Cities After…Josep Bohigas on the Growing Suburban Divide: An International Perspective - Pt. 4

[S02 E04] New
In this episode of Cities After...,Prof. Robles-Duran talks with Josep Bohigas, Barcelona’s Chief Urban Planner, about the international image and perspectives of the hegemony of American Suburbia in Western Europe. Bohigas traces Spain’s suburban development from the 1920s until...
More →Economic Update: Covid Criminals, Pandemic Profiteers

[S12 E07] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Mississippi's legalization of pot, US's $30 trillion national debt, Mexican workers at GM plant vote in militant union, and Amazon's...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Transitions Between Economic Systems

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "You often mention the fact that capitalism had largely the time to experiment by trial and error until it finally succeeded in replacing the feudal system. The purpose is to substantiate that assertion that is often used in your monologues and...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Political Right vs. Abortion Rights

[S5 E04] New
Control of women's reproduction is a common weapon in the hands of the Right Wing. In the episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Harriet Fraad breaks down the fight for reproductive rights by looking at abortion access and forced sterilization. These issues are fundamentally about...
More →All Things Co-op: Cooperative vs. Capitalist Enterprise

[S5 E09] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin recommends a few resources for listeners who are interested in starting and running their own worker co-op. He then takes a step back and contextualizes cooperatives within our current economic system. What does it mean to do startup work in the...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Finding Common Ground with Canadian Truckers

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I would appreciate hearing your thoughts about how this Canadian Truckers movement aligns with...
More →Economic Update: Fascism

[S12 E06] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about the US' 2021 trade deficit and its implications, the FED's inflation policy dilemma, and the political economy of the Baltimore and Bronx fires. In the second half of the show, Wolff uses the actual history of fascism...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Workplace Ownership Models

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "What would the difference be between a worker-owned co-op and a consumer-owned one? Are consumers part owners themselves in, say, credit unions or utility cooperatives, by virtue of the...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Anarchism, Libertarianism, and Capitalism

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Prof. Wolff, could you respond to these ideas of minarchism and anarcho-capitalism, which way too many people seem...
More →Economic Update: Rebuilding a Labor and Left Movement

[S12 E05] New
This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents a critique of US Megacorp merger (Microsoft and Activision Blizzard), China vs US on inflation and economic growth, and the collapse of Boris Johnson...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Democracy in Workplaces and Communities

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "In a worker co-op oriented society, how would conflicts between the people who own and operate the co-ops and the wider whole of society be resolved? Say the workers at a plant have two means of producing a product: one that...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: How Americans Cope With Falling Living Standards

[S5 E03] New
Declining living standards, joblessness and pronounced inequality are leaving Americans feeling disconnected, helpless and depressed. In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad talks about the 3 Ds - depression, dissociation and...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Tragedy of Ex-Socialist Nations

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "How did the people of the USSR come to accept the radical shift back to capitalism? Did they not retain an expectation that people should own their homes and means of production? The mass privatization of the Soviet economy was followed by...
More →All Things Co-op: Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

[S5 E08] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin talks to blogger and podcaster “The Blockchain Socialist” about how blockchain technology can serve as a mechanism for worker cooperatives and the Left. Though often tied to cryptocurrency, blockchains can also function as...
More →Economic Update: The Socialism Issue

[S12 E04] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about the recreation of `company towns' (eg., Kalamazoo, MI) by the richest US capitalists, Biden and the reality of US jobs lost, how and why the US...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Why Profit-Driven Healthcare Fails Us

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I’m curious how any attempts at worker self-direction and cooperative economics can be leveraged for building a new healthcare system (hospitals in particular) in the shell of the old. How can we address this highly disorganized and highly privatized...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Credit Unions vs. Banks

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Are credit unions preferable to standard banks for those of us who are eager to help...
More →Cities After… Andrew Ross on the Growing Suburban Divide - Pt. 2

[S02 E02] New
In this episode of Cities After..., Prof. Robles-Duran talks with Andrew Ross about his most recent book, Sunbelt Blues: The Failure of American Housing. Robles-Duran and Ross build on ideas from week’s episode, looking at...
More →Economic Update: The End of the Megamachine

[S12 E03] New
Ask Prof Wolff: Obstacles to Left Organizing

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "As we look through history and the present political culture it seems that it has been easier for the right to organize than the left, and easier for the enemies of the left to throw a wrench in their organizing. The example comes to mind of...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Capitalism and Opioids - A Deadly Combination

[S5 E02] New
In this episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad continues an ongoing critique of the for-profit health care system in the US and examines some of its deadly effects. Overdose numbers are far higher than in any other rich country and could...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: How Do Socialist Enterprises Raise Funds?

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "How would a socialist-style enterprise such as a worker co-op or WSDE relate to investors/banks/capital? Would the co-op or WSDE still be considered a socialist enterprise in it's relationships...
More →All Things Co-op: Accumulation - The Ruthless Pursuit of Profit

[S5 E07] New
In this episode, the ATC guys answer a question from a listener: "In the Soviet Union commodity production was retained and thus the money-commodity-money cycle that creates capital was able to continue, with the main change being that the capital accumulation...
More →Economic Update: Emotions and US Politics Today

[S12 E02] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about US bank closings as a sign of system decline; victory for 3000 striking Columbia University students; Laredo, Texas combats food deserts with co-ops; pandemic years worsen...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Non-profits as Co-ops

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "The descriptions I've seen of worker cooperatives focus almost exclusively on for-profit business models. How could a worker cooperative model apply to government and nonprofit workplaces, where workers don't have...
More →Global Capitalism: January 2022 Live Economic Update

[January 2022] New
Political Economy of Covid: Year #3
Ask Prof Wolff: Beyond a Two-Party System

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "There's obviously a great deal of buzz/in-fighting among the greater independent left about the virtue of building a "Working People's" Party outside the Democratic apparatus, to better satisfy the wide range of political thought encompassed by the political axis most of us millennials are well familiar with, yet...
More →Cities After... The Growing Suburban Divide: COVID-19 Boomtowns and the Future of Sprawl - Pt. 1

[S2 E01] New
Welcome to Season Two of Cities After! Prof. Robles-Duran begins this season with a series of four episodes in which to make sense of the growing suburban divide in the United States by honing in on it's divisive politics, the consequential production of COVID-19 boomtowns, and...
More →Economic Update: Strikes Amid Reviving US Labor Movement

[S12 E01] New
Ask Prof Wolff: From Capitalism to Co-op

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "How can we make further inroads toward business conversion to the cooperative model while so many business owners look down on their workers as incompetent or unfit for “leadership” and discredit the value of their labor...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Identity Politics, Intersectionality, and Unity

[S5 E01] New
Welcome to Season 5 of Capitalism Hits Home! In this episode, Dr. Fraad explores identity politics by looking into the many facets of her own identity. 99% of us share an identity as exploited, oppressed people. We have different experiences and...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Individuals and Society

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "In a world where workers own the product of their own labor, and all institutions are democratic, is there still a need for taxes and welfare? If so: Why are they justified? What should...
More →All Things Co-op: Lessons from Venezuela’s Social Economy

[S5 E06] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Larry, Kevin, and Cinar talk to Michael Lebowitz about his perspective on the social economic models in Venezuela and Yugoslavia. They speak about the creation of the social economy, the experience of...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: What Defeats Corporate Plutocracy

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "This article ( says business opposition to Roosevelt's New Deal was exaggerated, and worker power overstated...
More →Economic Update: The Contradictions of 2021

[S11 E48] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Columbia University grad student strike, the contradictions of 2021, Cuba's Covid vaccine, Trump clone and French politics' lesson, why US manufacturing jobs..
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Worker Co-op and Stock Markets

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Professor, in your idea of a gradual transition to 'Democratic or Co-Op Business' from purely Capitalistic, how do you expect the stock market to react? While I agree that our current system is broken, I still am highly dependent on my 401K to sustain my income...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Addiction and Desperation

[S4 E13] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad looks at the epidemic of deaths in the United States. She examines the five interlocking forces of our for-profit health care system...
More →All Things Co-op: Platform Cooperatives with Minsun Ji

[S5 E05] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Cinar, Larry, and Kevin talk to Minsun Ji, a labor organizer and Co-op expert. They discuss what a platform cooperative is, how it differs from a corporate or capitalist platform, and its connection with...
More →Economic Update: Anti-Mandate is NOT Anti-Vaccine

[S11 E47] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents a critique of obscene wealth in the US and the economics of the rape crisis in th US and UK. The second half of the show features an interview with author Bob Hennelly, on the anti-mandate...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Hostage to Profit

A Patron of Economic Update asks: “Why not prohibit profit-making companies that do not pay taxes...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: How Do We Break from Neo-Liberalism?

[S3 E27] New
In this final episode of Season 3, Prof. Harvey talks about the history of Neo-Liberalism and how it relates to post-modernism. Trump's imposition of what is the truth, with his notion of alternative facts, is in many ways, a triumph of post-modernity. Harvey underscores the importance of...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Affordable Housing and Homelessness

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Hi Professor, I was wondering if you could comment on an item popping up in numerous cities. The use of outdoor spaces where the city sanctions tent living and calling it a...
More →Cities After... Andrés Arauz on the Legacy of Economic Shock Therapy

[S1 E14] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran is joined by Andres Arauz, arguably, one of the most influential and intriguing political and economic thinkers of the new Latin-American left. This episode expands on the previous discussion on the contemporary effects of the Latin American economic shock therapy and how it has changed the territorial and political dynamics of...
More →Economic Update: Ecology, Co-ops & Profit

[S11 E46] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on 50 years of fossil fuel corps putting profits before science, CVS to close 900 drugstores as part of decline of US workers living standards, FBI lies in Malcolm X assassination...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Credit Cards as Refunds - Another Profit Hustle

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "It is curious what companies will do in the event of a refund due. I find it very strange that Chrysler sent me a Visa card...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: What Can Americans Do To Be Happier?

[S4 E12] New
The UN released its 2021 World Happiness Report. In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad answers why as world's richest nation, the US is not even one of the happiest. What do Americans need to do to be happier...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Why Workplaces Get Toxic

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Lately for the last couple of months I have felt like my workplace has felt so toxic. It feels like sometimes you are all alone in a fight against customers, management and coworkers. Could there be any...
More →All Things Co-op: An Interview with Patrick Conlon of WORCS

[S5 E04] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Larry and Kevin talk to Patrick Conlon of Worker Ownership Resources and Cooperative Services, otherwise known as WORCS...
More →Economic Update: Class Struggles in the US Today

[S11 E45] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about teacher burnout economics, inflation as an employer-employee fight, the "labor shortage" isn't, "Build Back Better" does not begin to approach what Europe already has, the basic political economy of...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: High Costs of Restaurant Dinners

A Patron of Economic Update asks: Hi Prof. Wolff, I came across the following article from the restaurants specialized magazine 'Food service equipment' where they point out the increase of restaurants that charge, on average, £200+ per head...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Monopolistic Competition

[S3 E26] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey speaks about monopolistic competition and its impact on market pricing and location. All monopolistic competition is spacial competition that creates a highly unstable economy and has a tendency to...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Capitalism Depends on Empire

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I’ve also been listening to Michael Parenti quite a bit, and I think he’s right to focus on how we have materially benefitted from being an empirical world power. I think this is an important area to explore when it comes to developing a consciousness of the exploitation of the Global South, and I would love your perspective as an economist. Could you explore the connection between...
More →Economic Update: Imagining a Different Economy

[S11 E44] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on his recent debate with Ayn Rand Institute on capitalism vs socialism, inflation in Europe, an analysis of right vs left splitting in US today, and real vs fake causes of...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Economic Analysis - Real and Fake

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "A "great" jobs report was released today; the stock market soared. I'm skeptical. I see that of those 531,000 "jobs added," a great many are in relatively low-wage sectors such as Leisure & Hospitality, Retail, etc. - how many will we learn in January were merely seasonal? Meanwhile, per the report, "the number of permanent job losers, at 2.1 million, changed little in October but is 828,000 higher than in February 2020." The Workforce participation rate is unchanged. Inflation's up and product is not on store shelves. So how "great" IS this job report and economic health generally?"
More →All Things Co-op: Cuba's New Cooperative Legislation

[S5 E03] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Cinar, Larry, and Kevin bring back Camila Piñeiro to discuss new legislative developments in Cuba that specifically focus on growing worker cooperatives...
More →Economic Update: Chris Hedges & US Prisons

[S11 E43] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on South Dakota leads US to become world's #2 "tax haven," pandemic's economic shock cut by very uncapitalistic means, why employers want the govt to pay workers to go back to work, and how libertarians...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Municipal Bond Racket

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Hello Prof Wolff, I’ve heard complaints before of the perpetual hamster wheel that cities are on with regards to municipal bonds and Wall Street. Are you aware or is there any model of governance...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Strikes & Worker Co-ops

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Under worker cooperatives are strikes necessary and do they happen...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Coercive Laws of Competition

[S3 E25] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines 2 schools of thought within the Marxist tradition, one that focuses on the falling rate of profit, and the other that explores the rising mass. Harvey argues that both schools miss an important contradiction that separates each of them from the other: the role of competition...
More →Cities After...A Corollary on The Urbanization of Shock Therapy - Pt 1

[S1 E13] New
In this podcast, Prof. Robles-Duran's attempt is to revise and follow on the urbanization of shock therapy, a topic that he first wrote about in 2011 for a book titled "Urban Asymmetries: Studies and Project on Neoliberal Urbanization" and later expanded on in an essay he wrote for the 2014 edition of the Tirana Contemporary Art Biennial. Ten years later...
More →Economic Update: Germany Shifts Left

[S11 E42] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Biden's and Democrats' fading tax reforms, German and Austrian politics shift left, Yale sells out to rich donors, product shortages...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Taxing Billionaires

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Now that Tesla is worth more than US $1 trillion, and Elon Musk is the wealthiest person in the world, there is more discussion of increasing the tax on billionaires specifically. Right-wingers are defending billionaires from taxation, arguing that unsold shares can't be taxed, and that billionaires, in their total pool of wealth, cannot fund the government for very long. Can you explain how taxation could work to include more progressive taxation of the billionaire class and refute some of the arguments from the right? Thanks."
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Striketober - American Labor Begins to Awaken

[S04 E11] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad talks about the strikes sweeping the nation. In spite of a compromised AFL-CIO and no powerful Socialist labor Party or powerful Socialist media, American Labor is...
More →Global Capitalism: November 2021 Live Economic Update

[November 2021] New
China - US’s First Real Competitor in a Century
Ask Prof Wolff: Why Texas Bans Abortion

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I very much enjoyed your answer about the economic impacts of the abortion ban laws in Texas. Usually, there's some greedy motivation for the laws we see getting passed (Voting "safety" laws, Anti protest laws, laws protecting the secret origins of dark money, laws that make our drug prices higher). Who benefits from...
More →Economic Update: A Story of War

[S11 E41] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses how Amazon rips off small business and squeezes workers, US and China's military tactics, top mainstream economists grasp the deepening critique of capitalism, and how strikes at Nabisco and Kellogg expose capitalism's classic contours of...
More →
Ask Prof Wolff: Transitions between Capitalism & Feudalism

A Patron of Economic Update asks:"It is my impression that all left wing economists including Marx agree that capitalism was an improvement over feudalism. Could you please elaborate in what ways capitalism was an improvement? Could you point me to any previous videos or books...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Capital in the Attic

[S3 E24] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the real players in our capitalist society who operate outside of the market system and are accumulating massive amounts of wealth. Players like Carlos Slim, the Koch brothers, Stephen A. Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone, reside in the "attic," where Harvey argues real wealth and real power are being assembled.
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Pandemic Economics = Capitalism's Failures

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I am informed that during the era of COVID 19, a small oligopoly of shipping companies have used their market power to increase the cost of shipping by a large factor, of over 10:1. This is starting to cause crises and shortages in other parts of the world economy. My question comes in 3 parts: 1)Is this a real effect (or have I been misinformed) 2) What are...
More →Economic Update: China and Inflation: Real Analyses, not BS

[S11 E40] New
The program's first half focuses on the realities of China's rise and not the Cold War rhetoric. The second half analyzes the inflation now threatening the US economy. Its causes and consequences turn out to be quite different from...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Americans Face Mass Evictions

[S4 E10] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad talks about the 40 Million Americans face eviction after October 31, 2021. What kind of society treats the right to shelter, and with that the right to life as a commodity? Should that kind of society exist? Eviction...
More →All Things Co-op: Lessons from Zuccotti - What Occupy Wall Street Taught Us

[S5 E02] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Larry, Cinar, and Kevin talk about the lessons from occupy as we commemorate the 10 year anniversary of that revolutionary fall. They discuss what we should learn from that experience, what we owe to it, and how...
More →Economic Update: Cornel West on "Black Prophetic Fire"

[S11 E39] New
Ask Prof Wolff: US Colonialism

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Could you talk about how the U.S. still has colonies around the globe and how they have exploited them for over 100 years to the level of making them almost completely dependent on the US market? (i.e. Puerto Rico, USVI, Guam, etc.) And how, especially in PR...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Education of an Educator

[S3 E23] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about what inspired and motivated him both personally and professionally. He quotes the poem "Burnt Norton" by T.S. Eliot...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Cooperation Jackson and Humboldt

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "What are your thoughts on the emerging cooperative ‘Cooperation Jackson’ and what’re some models or practices that socialist can advocate for on the municipal level. Thank you, again!"
More →Cities After... Post-Pandemic Urbanization: Spectacles, Speculation & Tourism - Pt 4

[S01 E12] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran continues to discuss the social, spatial and environmental effects of mass tourism by focusing on Barcelona, with two very important personalities from Barcelona’s municipal government and urban social movements alike...
More →Economic Update: Signs of System Decline

[S11 E38] New
On this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the following topics: US wars lost: against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Covid; private profit from climate disaster; systemic infrastructure neglect; decline of whites in US; UK fears about US loss in...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: When Population Stops Growing

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "To what degree can all economic systems to date be viewed as pyramid schemes, since they all seem to depend substantially upon population growth? And given that world population will have to level off at some point...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Why Does the US Lead the World in Rape?

[S4 E09] New
Rape is a hate crime. This podcast analyses the forces that shape US rape in gender, culture, psychology and capitalism...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Living in Capitalism, Believing in Socialism

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I would be considered to belong to the “wealthy” class in my community and country espousing a pro socialist , anti capitalist ideology. I am often accused of being a hypocrite because of what I own or the fact that I have people that I employ with my business (4) and with my household. (My spouse has a bigger business...
More →All Things Co-op: Cooperative Structures and Organizations

[S5 E01] New
In this first episode of Season 5, Larry, Kevin, and Cinar share their thoughts on the status of co-operative organizations, the need for more overtly political co-operative organizations, and how big a role co-operative organizations should play in attempting to build...
More →Economic Update: How U.S. Workers are Really Treated

[S11 E37] New
This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff pays homage to Mikis Theodorakis, Greek musician and political hero, and discusses Starbucks workers in Buffalo, the economic fallout of Supreme Court's anti-abortion act, what Hurricane Ida fatalities show, and the $8 trillion cost...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Making Schools Democratic & Cooperative

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I am very interested in the labor movement and am curious about your opinion on co-ops within academia. I recently emailed Noam Chomsky and asked him what he thinks about the idea. He replied that the problem would be how to survive in a market society, as we don’t want universities to be selling products. I then asked if he thinks universities would be able to survive on federal grants...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Chinese Property Markets & Affordable Housing

[S3 E22] New
In the episode of ACC, Prof. David Harvey talks about the crisis of affordable housing on a global level, with particular emphasis on China and the US. Harvey argues that providing affordable housing for people cannot be accomplished by the private...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Talk of Inflation and How It's Being Used

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I am still struggling with the concept, terminology and reality of inflation. A little reading tells me that inflation is actually an increase in the supply of money mainly through the creation of debt by banks. It seems to me that there would be a "natural" increase in the supply of money because of an increase in population, workforce and productivity but not an increase in prices. Price increases are caused by owners...
More →Cities After... Post-Pandemic Urbanization: Spectacles, Speculation & Tourism - Pt 3

[S01 E11] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran talks about the startling urban and socio-environmental consequences of mass tourism before, during and after the pandemic. He emphasizes four key contradictions: 1) The global privatization of local cultures; 2) Labor, Technology and Digitalization; 3) Alienation in The production of Infinite spectacles; 4) Environmental...
More →Economic Update: Native Americans & American Socialists

[S11 E36] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff present updates on global supply chain slow-downs; student costs/debts in US, UK far higher than in most peer nations; FED adds inflation to the ways its policies worsen income and wealth inequalities...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Contribution of Antonio Gramsci

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Could you comment on the relevance of Antonio Gramsci to today's struggles for socialism? How do his theories address some of the failures of socialism in developed countries over the last one hundred years...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Capitalism & Patriarchy - Cuomo, Cosby, Weinstein & Epstein

[S04 E08] New
Capitalism is a class system of a small employer class making profit from the labor of a huge class of employees, who depend on employers for survival. Patriarchy is a system in which men are entitled to appropriate services from women who are considered less than fully human. Both systems...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Conservative LIbertarian Hustle

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Could you respond to Rand Paul's Town Hall video about the $3.5 Trillion spending bill. I find it to be a blatant misdirection of blame to the gov't instead of employers in the country. Clip:; Full video...
More →Economic Update: Socialism & Worker Co-ops

20th century socialism is now behind us. Socialists continued to evaluate both its achievements and failures via extensive self-criticism. A changed socialism has emerged, focused on a transition of workplaces from top-down hierarchical capitalist structures into democratic worker cooperatives...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Why Capitalism Overworks Us

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Dear Prof. Wolff, Could you talk about the various effects of overwork on the economy, From the perspective of workers, the employers who push it, and the economy as a whole. I would also like to ask about the various responses to Overwork such as the Chinese “lying flat" movement, and Japanese hikikomori (who have withdrawn from society) and Karoshi (death by overworking)...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Whither China?

[S3 E21] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines what is happening in China today, the many changes taking place within (the formation of a billionaire class, uneven geographical development between metropolitan cities and rural areas, a cultural revolution), and highlights its impact on...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Dogmatic & Extreme on the Left

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "Hi, I once heard a Professor of Political Science at Columbia named Todd Gitlin interviewed. Professor Gitlin was once the second in command of Students for a Democratic Society during the late 60's, As I understood it, he argued that the dogmatic and extremist leftists of that era actually helped the capitalist elite. They made it very easy for the capitalist elite to...
More →Economic Update: Occupy Wall Street: Analysis and Legacy

[S11 E35] New
This program is devoted to Occupy Wall Street (OWS) on its 10th anniversary. Prof. Wolff discusses OWS as a historic turning point, as legacy for the US left, and his personal experience. Wolff presents OWS's 4 basic causes...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Anarchism & Marxism/Socialism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I have recently started reading about David Graeber and his understanding of anarchism, and it sounds very much like what Prof. Wolff talks about when he explains socialism as understood by Marx, and how to democratize workplaces. I was wondering what your take is on anarchism and how it relates to socialism, and whether it is incompatible with capitalism...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: The Labor History We Need to Celebrate - The One We Never Hear About

[S04 E07] New
In the episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad talks about the importance of celebrating Labor, which is essential to life. But she argues that we need to go beyond and learn what our labor history is...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: China Now: Socialist, State Capitalist?

A patron of Economic Update asks: "How should we see the CCP? Is this a Socialist project that is in the process of achieving communism? Or is China just another example of a state-capitalism that leans more authoritarian? How should we approach socialist states that do things that contradict our values without helping the reactionaries...
More →Cities After... Post-Pandemic Urbanization: Spectacles, Speculation & Tourism - Pt 2

[S01 E10] New
In today's podcast, Prof. Robles-Duran will continue to discuss Post-pandemic urbanization trends by taking a deep dive in the speculative global rent markets and their exacerbating social ills. For help with this, he is joined by Dr. Jaime Palomera from Barcelona’s radical research cooperative La Hidra who will help focus a conversation on a striking report that they published two months ago titled “The Social Impacts of the Rental Market”, done in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Barcelona and the Institute of Government and Public Policy at the University of Barcelona...
More →Economic Update: The Rational and Irrational in Anti-Vaxxers

[S11 E34] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the complexities of anti-vaccination movements, the long decline of religion in US capitalism, Disneys’s shift to serve the richest, lessons from AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumka's leadership, and failures of GOP, Dem leaders to stop last 75 years ...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Demoting Profit from the Bottom Line

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Dear Prof. Wolff, Douglas Lane, on the Zero Books podcast, recently summarized a critique of worker co-ops from "a Marxist perspective," saying that "market forces" determine that co-ops can only reduce work hours or raise wages if the enterprise remains "profitable." If profit is the surplus value...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Primary Abstractions of Capital

[S3 E20] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey discusses some of the contradictions that Marx uncovered as he examined the abstractions of capital. He explores the contradiction between the rate of change and the mass of value, and the crises that emerge from the two...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: China VS. a Myth of Stolen Technology

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I recently watched a great news segment about China's acquisition of western tech by China. You have spoken on this point in the past, could you reiterate that the tech acquired by China was not stolen, but as Saagar stated "China's ability to weaponize...
More →Global Capitalism: September 2021 Live Economic Update

[September 2021] New
US Capitalism’s Decline Accelerates
Cities After... Post-Pandemic Urbanization: Spectacles, Speculation & Tourism - Pt. 1

[S01 E09] New
This podcast will be the first of four episodes where, together with future guests, Prof. Robles-Duran will slowly adopt the city of Barcelona as a sample to think through some of the tendencies of a post-pandemic neoliberal urbanization...
More →Economic Update: 20 Years after 9/11, the U.S. is still a "Stuck Nation"

[S11 E33] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on Alabama miners' strike, how China's focus on reducing inequality affects competition with the US, and the economics of the "right to repair" consumers' movement in the US...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Socialism's Biggest Failures

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Could you provide an analysis on the failures of the more prominent socialist societies in recent history and the contributing factors to these failures, real or perceived?"...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Why Are 9.2 Million US Jobs Open?

[S04 E06] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad addresses the "labor shortage" in the US today. 9.2 million jobs remain open. Republicans and Democrats differ on what to do about this supposed shortage. 44% of US workers are low pay workers constantly...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Capitalism & Fascism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "On the subject of Fascism, Benito Mussolini said 'Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.' Given the nature of the relationship between the US government, particularly the (both Democrats and Republicans, Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton etc.) POTUS/Administration and Congress, with lobbyists and corporations, is it fair to say that the USA is fascist and has been for a long time?"...
More →Economic Update: Extremes of Rich & Poor in U.S. Capitalism

[S11 E32] New
This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses the new US program for monthly child benefits; why Covid strengthens some and divides other nations; the myth of "labor shortage;" the real cost of ultra-luxury cruises; Uber and sexual assaults; and lastly, the outsized US costs of healthcare...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: How Are We "Ruled by Abstractions?"

[S3 E19] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey examines Marx’s use of the notion of abstractions to develop a general theory of capital and his critique of capitalism. Harvey identifies different levels of abstraction used by Marx: scale, perspective of production, perspective of circulation and...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Class Analysis and Classism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "[T]he Marxist in me feels that the word 'classism' is also some kind neoliberal aerosol to make social class merely a function of prejudice or a lack equal opportunity or something. I am wondering if you could shine a more analytical light on my intuition or refute it as the case may be."...
More →Economic Update: Liberating Technology from Capitalism

[S11 E31] New
Ask Prof Wolff: Are High Paid Athletes Workers?

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Dr, Wolff, with the Olympics, the Naomi Osaka drama, and LeBron James’ recent announcement of reaching earnings of one billion dollars, I am interested in your thoughts about the “status as workers” for these professional athletes who make so much money, but are still represented in unions. Are professional athletes workers?"
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Cruel Optimism

[S04 E05] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad explores the concept of cruel optimism from Lauren Berlant's book. American culture teaches us to look on the bright side. Nonetheless, the blight side of US life is...
More →Cities After... Dr. Andy Merrifield on the Dogma of Inter-Urban Competition

[S01 E08] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran is joined by the famed Marxist Urban Theorist Andy Merrifield to have a conversation about inter-urban competition, the socio-spatial consequences of late neoliberalism and...
More →Economic Update: Chile's Feminist Social Revolution

[S11 E30] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses the election of a socialist, African-American woman as new mayor in Buffalo, NY; US unemployment insurance's meager support for jobless; Teamsters target Amazon workers...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: What's the Story in Cuba?

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Hey Prof. Wolff, could you speak to the recent protests in Cuba? Specifically, could you speak to the U.S. embargo that economically squeezes Cuba and, if relevant, how it relates to these protests? I’m not super familiar with the details but I find it frustrating that all these pundits say 'Cuba wants freedom and their economy sucks cause they’re commies.' It’s pretty clear that there’s more to the story and they purposefully omit that."
More →Economic Update: A US Left Rises to Remake the World

[S11 E29] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on "The Friends" reunion and what it teaches, how China outmaneuvers US tariffs, etc., and how Yellow Vests plus French unions defeated...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Tribalism - How Capitalism Divides Us

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I have a suggestion for a topic you might want to explore in one of your videos: alienation, contemporary tribalism, and Capitalism. I've been reading several articles on American tribalism, but they all fail to make the connections to our Capitalist structures. Many of these articles only connect tribalism with Trump's...
More →Economic Update: Best Years of US Lie in its Past

[S11 E28] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about Chipotle Mexican Grill blaming its price increases on its workers, economist Arthur Laffer's claims that many poor, minority workers are "not worth $15/hour" and false claims that lower taxes help economic growth while...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: The Small Family Farm Issue

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Small or family farmers are struggling to survive amidst industrial agribusiness.Can they? How would they fit in, in a system based on democracy in the workplace? (Really enjoyed your conversation with Mark Bittman!)"...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Monopolization of Everything

[S3 E18] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey asserts that capital is becoming ever more centralized. We are seeing the monopolization of housing and rental markets, Pharma, media, and the means of distribution. The monopolization of power is inevitable in...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Side Effects Always Matter

A patron of Economic Update asks: "If the U.S. government wants to reassure people about the safety of getting vaccinated, why doesn't the government enable the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) for the COVID vaccines and announce that it has done so? Is it capitalism that prevents this step...
More →All Things Co-op: The Great Resignation

[S04 E12] New
In this episode of the All Things Co-op Podcast, Larry, Cinar and Kevin talk about the so-called "Great Resignation." After discussing what may be behind this change, the trio discusses what cooperatives might have done differently, and how...
More →Economic Update: Capitalism's Shrinking Popularity

[S11 E27] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses French voters abstaining (66%), and rejecting party establishments in the face of social crisis; Seattle City Council helps tenants with law changes as conservatives seek to recall progressive Council leader Sawan...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Demonizing Socialists

A patron of Economic Update asks: "What is your response to recent discourses on the US government including socialists as so-called 'Domestic Violent Extremists' (DVE)? Are we being faced with McCarthyism 2.0...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Why Has Britney Spears' Pain Riveted America?

[S04 E04] New
On this week's CHH, Dr. Fraad is joined by psychotherapist and author Tess Fraad-Wolff to talk about celebrity pop artist Britney Spears. Spears' plight captures our attention because she personifies American suffering. Her exploited, adolescent, coy, sugary sexuality presents her...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Lessons for the Left from the 20th Century

A patron of Economic Update asks: "What lessons does the left still need to learn based on its efforts and failures from the 20th century...
More →Cities After... The Dogma of Inter-Urban Competition

Economic Update: The Challenge of Progressive Unionism

[S11 E26] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses Wall Street money corrupting US elections and the facts of a declining US capitalism (wage stagnation driving inequality, rising health and education costs, falling real social security benefits, unequal wealth of...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Criticizing Critics of Marx's Labor Theory of Value

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I'm hoping you can provide insight on the following question: In defense of the Marxian labour theory of value, how should one respond to the critique, such as that provided by Yaron Brook among others, that *ideas* are the true source of value and it is therefore the entrepreneur who rightly deserves the bulk of...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Ruling Ideas of a Billionaire Class

[S3 E17] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey contends that what we are experiencing is the raw exercise of ruling class power in ruling ways...
More →Global Capitalism: July 2021 Live Economic Update

Ask Prof Wolff: Why So Many Different Socialisms?

A patron of Economic Update asks: "People on the left get lost on definitions very often, myself included, self-called Communists. What is the difference: Marxism and Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Stalinism, Castroism.. and Juche and Anarcho-syndicalism. What do they all have in common? Why is there no more "Internationals", like First, Second, third and Fourth (Trotskyism)? I'm very proud to be a new patron for Democracy at Work."
More →All Things Co-op: The Money Question With Ed Whitfield

[S4 E11] New
In this episode of the All Things Co-op Podcast, Larry leads an interview with Ed Whitfield of Seed Commons to talk about cooperative and democratic investment in worker cooperatives...
More →Economic Update: Inflation and Labor Shortage

[S11 E25] New
On this week's show, Prof Wolff talks about the social effects of inflation and the lack of accountability on the part of employers. Capitalist employers set prices with the only motive of maximizing. Employees, the vast majority, must live with inflation but...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Tax the Rich? Yes We Can!

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Here's a question coming from Switzerland: Very often, when you raise the question about raising rich people's taxes, people will tell you that you can't do that, otherwise these rich people will just go live in another country, where they...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Class Transformation in the Household

[S04 E03] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad talks about the revolutionary class transformation experienced in the household from feudalism to other class forms, like the independent household and the communist, or communal household. She argues that many current political struggles such as struggles over abortion rights...
More →Cities After... Pelin Tan on the Crisis of Architecture Today

[S01 E06] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran is joined by Pelin Tan, Professor of Sociology, Art, Architecture History to talk the outmoded talks about the outmoded forms of knowledge that architecture and...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Politics, Dual Power & Worker Co-ops

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Hello Professor Wolff, is your strong advocacy for Worker Cooperatives related to the theory of Dual Power or do you believe Worker Cooperatives to be the method through which all workers...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Urbanization of China

[S3 E16] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey argues that the circulation of interest-bearing capital and financialization, both necessary for the disposal of surplus capital and surplus value, are implicated in the acceleration of turnover time, especially in areas like tourism...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Marxism and Prostitution

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Does Marxism have anything to say about people who are unable to sell their labor and resort to selling their bodies? I’m referring to prostitution, but also the selling of organs, hair, teeth, skin, breast milk...
More →All Things Co-op: The Hostile Takeover

[S04 E10] New
In this episode, the ATC guys talk about the idea of the hostile takeover - workers organizing for the purposes of taking over a factory, usually when the owners are abandoning it. Reviewing and highlighting experiences in Argentina and in Chicago...
More →Economic Update: How Capitalism Shapes our Food

[S11 E24] New
In this episode, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the economic aspects of the Covid pandemic: lockdowns vs vaccines, scientific debate vs corporate advertising, long-term vs short term costs, the billionaires made by...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Copyrights & Capitalism, A Critique

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Dear Prof. Wolff, could you please comment on intellectual property in capitalism. How did it come to be? Is it a driving or rather a gating mechanism for a progress of ideas? What do you think...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: What is Class?

[S04 E02] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad defines what class is and explores where it has hit in America. America has included 4 class formations: slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Corporatism vs. Capitalism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Dear Prof. Wolff, I would like to begin by saying that I am 15 years old and only educated on a surface level on these topics but I have been engaging in many talks on capitalism with people around me and they often tend to say...
More →Cities After... Urban Crises and the Architecture Discipline Today

[S01 E05] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Durán talks about the outmoded forms of knowledge that architecture and related urban design disciplines uphold, as global populations face ever-growing social and environmental urgencies in their cities...
Economic Update: Insurgent Working Class and Organization

[S11 E23] New
In this week's show, Prof Wolff presents updates on the efforts to finally add dental, vision, and hearing coverage to Medicare, the effects of Trump's tariffs on China, and the contradictions between capitalist profiteering...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: What is the Surplus Value of a Secretary?

A patron of Economic Update asks: ""I have some trouble understanding the concept of how to quantify surplus value for jobs that don't directly contribute to the production process. For example, a secretary who works in the in-house legal department at a solar-panel production facility...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Dumping Surplus Capital

[S3 E15] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the changing dynamics of capital accumulation since Marx's analysis in the Grundrisse. The disempowerment of workers as part of the Neoliberal strategy of the 1980s to the present day, led to declining wages...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Reform vs. Revolution

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I’ve heard a critique of social democracy from some socialists and it goes like this: because of increased taxes for social democratic reforms, corporations will seek cheap labor and resources of the global south to stay competitive on the global market...
More →Economic Update: The Center Cannot Hold

[S11 E22] New
This program begins by analyzing the political monopoly (aka "The Center") operated by the GOP and Dems in the US: its organization and dominance until the last few years. The monopoly deteriorates as both GOP and Democrat coalitions...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Private Profit Systems Are NOT Permanent

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Are private-profit economies permanent? How often are they recreated? What advice do you have for shattering mythical ideas around capitalist permanence?"
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Identity Politics - Class Identity

[S04 E01] New
We are back with a new season of CHH! In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad explores the question of identity politics. Identity politics can be liberating for those who identify as women, people of color, or LGBTQ members...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Is Nordic Socialism a Progressive Step?

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I wondered if you could give your critique of the Nordic model, as practiced in for example Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I've heard American socialists speak warmly about these countries, but they clearly want to go further...
More →Cities After... Leilani Farha on Housing & Real Estate Markets

[S01 E04] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran is joined by Leilani Farha, a Canadian human rights lawyer and Global Director of The Shift, to talk about the effects of the pandemic on housing markets...
More →Economic Update: A "Living Wage"

[S11 E21] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff comments on how and why "consumerism" matters and on why Biden's "progressive shift" is both like and unlike (far more limited so far) FDR's...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Founding Fathers, Capitalism vs. Socialism

A patron of Economic Update asks: ""We hear from conservatives how the "Founding Fathers" of US Democracy were staunch Capitalists and wanted no part of Socialism...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Politics of Austerity of the 70s & 80s

[S3 E14] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey talks about the birth of the neoliberalism following the crisis of the 1970s...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Blaming Government for Capitalism's Ills

A patron of Economic Update asks: "According to a recent Axios article on Americans' trust in institutions (linked below), 77% say they trust their employers and 62% trust businesses, both outperforming NGO's and government by significant margins...
More →All Things Co-op: Co-op Cycle

[S04 E09] New
Co-op Cycle is a platform cooperative based primarily in France, but with member cooperatives around Europe. In this episode, the ATC guys chat with Adrien Claude, the coordinator for Co-op Cycle, about how it works...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Media Bias & Capitalism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Hello Professor Wolff, I was wondering if you could answer this question: most Americans, including me, believe that the Press is too biased...
More →Ten Years Ago: Unemployment [10th Anniversary of Economic Update with Richard Wolff]

Ask Prof Wolff: Marx's Flaws

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Hi Prof. Wolff! What are Marx's flaws that you've briefly mentioned before? The labor theory of value? Communism itself? Any of your personal critiques?...
More →Cities After... Housing & Real Estate Markets Around the Globe

[S01 E03] New
In this episode, Prof. Robles-Duran talks about contradictions that have emerged during the global pandemic all around the world...
More →Economic Update: Labor & Capitalism's Rise & Fall

[S11 E20] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses Congress Bills H.R.51 giving statehood to Washington, DC, and H.R.1 countering GOP efforts to restrict voting; and Biden's...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Economic Growth in the USSR & China

A patron of Economic Update asks: "You often mention the USSR as the fastest growing economy of the 20th century. However, I am often confronted with the latest Maddison Project 2020 data...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Violence - A Shield for Emotional Vulnerability

[S3 E30] New
In this episode of CHH, Dr. Fraad discusses the most virulent examples of American violence: the US's world dominance in mass shootings and rape...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Legitimation Crisis of the late 1960s

[S3 E13] New
In this episode of ACC, Prof. Harvey takes us through the political agitations that occurred in the US in the 1960s...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Rural America & Politics

A patron of Economic Update asks: "I have a very general question related to how to approach organizing a more cooperative future: How do we deal with the divisions that have been so skillfully sowed amongst us down to...
More →All Things Co-op: Critiques of Co-ops

[S4 E08] New
In this episode of ATC, Kevin, Larry and Cinar talk about some of the most common criticisms of co-ops that they've heard over the years and respond to it...
More →Economic Update: Valuing Work by Women of Color

[S11 E19] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff discusses Bernie Madoff's $ 82 billion swindles and capitalism's incentives for swindling, the economics of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Wages, Prices & Inflation

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Econ 101 taught me that some level of unemployment is necessary, in part, to prevent a wage and inflation upward 'spiral...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: Children in the US Today

[S3 E29] New
America's Children are the source of omnipresent sentimental solicitude. At the same time, they are in fact massively neglected and in trouble. Dr. Fraad explores...
More →Global Capitalism: May 2021 Live Economic Update

Ask Prof Wolff: COVID and Capitalism's Internal Contradictions

A patron of Economic Update asks: "What are the contradictions in capitalism that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed and laid bare?...
More →Cities After... David Harvey on Urban Emptiness

[S01 E02] New
In this episode, Prof Robles-Durán and guest, the Marxist geographer David Harvey have a conversation about possible futures to the new empty spaces that...
More →Cities After... Urban Emptiness and the Pandemic

[S01 E01] New
In the first episode, Prof Robles-Durán explores the urban shifts surrounding the dramatic rise of commercial and residential vacancies during the global pandemic...
More →Economic Update: Capitalism vs. Democracy

[S11 E18] New
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents an analysis of how and why capitalism is an undemocratic economic system...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Inflation's Risks

A patron of Economic Update asks: "If there is a relationship between inflation and the capacity of a country to absorb newly printed money, how do international markets affect inflation since dollars are used around the world and some of the new money would make it to the world in general? Is the dollar less prone to inflation because dollars are used around the world? If so, is there a measure of inflation resistance for different currencies to get an idea where the dollar stands vs other currencies?"
More →Capitalism Hits Home: The American Family

[S3 E28] New
Where did our family form come from and how is it doing now? This episode of Capitalism Hits Home looks at what is happening in America's families...
More →Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Keynesianism of the 1960s

[S3 E12] New
In this part 4 of 4, Prof. Harvey talks about the economic evolution of the 1960s and the suburbanization of America...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Defining Historical and Dialectical Materialism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Can you breakdown historical materialism and dialectics...
More →All Thing Co-op: The Eva Cooperative

[S4 E07] New
In this episode of All Things Co-op, Cinar and Kevin talk with Dardan Isufi, the Chief Operating Officer of the Eva Cooperative, a rideshare...
More →Economic Update: How US Capitalism Uses Nationalism

[S11 E17] New
From 1945 to 1990 we were told a great struggle pitted capitalism against socialism/communism (chiefly the USSR and China). Yet still today, US leaders demonize Russia and China...
More →Ask Prof Wolff: Capitalism and Racism

A patron of Economic Update asks: "Hi Professor Wolff, I was wondering if you could discuss the link between racism and capitalism in the United States and the...
More →Capitalism Hits Home: The Socialist Feminist Way To Beat the NRA and Militarism

[S3 E27] New
On this week's CHH, Dr. Fraad and Prof. Forlano take on the NRA and militarism. The massive well funded lobbying of the NRA, disguised as a non-profit, has paid for friendly lawmakers. We can...
More →Economic Update: A Green 3rd Party for the US

[S11 E16] New
On this week's episode, Prof. Wolff talks about Rolls Royce's $400,000 cars, unionization defeat at Amazon, why Biden boom is just hype, and progressive wins in the New York...
More →