Latest Releases

Economic Update: Economics and Family Values

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents updates on French election's significance; Obama's $400,000 bank speaking fee; US corp tax cuts; Wells Fargo "saved" by Warren Buffett; why bringing home...
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El fenómeno del populismo de derecha: una entrevista con Bill Fletcher Jr.

This article by Natascha Uhlmann was originally published in EnglishEste artículo por Natascha Uhlmann fue publicado originalmente en inglés.
Bill fletcher ha sido un activista desde su adolescencia...
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الرأسمالية مقابل الاشتراكية: نقاش مختلف

This article by Richard D. Wolff was originally published in Englishظهر هذا المقال عل صفحه

...مرة أخرى، تهدد تناقضات وعيوب ونقاط ضعف الرأسمالية الخاصة، تهدد وجود الرأسمالية نفسه. الانهياران العالميان

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Economic Update: Rising Costs of Capitalism's Failures

This week, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on courts blocking Trumps attack on sanctuary cities, selling Whole Foods, Jack Ma and blaming technology for jobs collapse, falling department store jobs since 2000, British queen's enterprise award to...

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Economic Update: Enabling Worker Coops

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on capitalism and Earth Day, Chinese movie industry overtakes Hollywood, small businesses use cooperatives to...
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How they get rich: The top and the very top


The growth of inequality over decades is due to the ability of those at the top and those at the very top to capture a large portion of the growing surplus. But there has also been a change in the nature of that inequality in recent years, at least for those at the top—which is not due to escalating wage inequality, but to a boom in income from the ownership of stocks and bonds. They’ve now joined the ranks of the “coupon clippers,” who are able to use their accumulated wealth to get their share of the surplus.

The owners of capital at the very top are mirroring the structure of inequality last seen during the first Gilded Age.

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Economic Update: US Labor Unions: Past, Present, Future


This week: Updates on United Airlines' flier abuse, Cuomo's flawed "free college" plan, what to do as self-drive vehicles end millions of jobs, and big investors plan to cash in on Trump infrastructure plans...

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What is Public Debt? How is money printed? And how do Governments pay for Wars?

Professor Richard Wolff talks with acTVism Munich about public debt, the process of printing money, the role that corporate banks play...

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Global Capitalism: April 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Trump’s Big Economic Plans Fade"
with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...


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Economic Update: Economics, Psychology & Trump

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on Citibank says it favors the rich, French presidential elections, US college admissions favor the rich, injustice of...

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We're missing the point about the robotization of America's workforce


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin may not be worried, but we should be. Workers will continue to suffer unless and until they have a say in how robots and the resulting surplus are utilized.

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A Movement for Women — A Movement for All


The earlier Women’s Movement did not usually engage broad economic issues. It focused more on problems of women versus men. Only by addressing class barriers to women’s inclusion in the labor force and the barriers to men’s full participation in the family can we address the pay differentials between women’s and men’s paid work as well as women’s greater freedom to pursue careers.

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D@W Exclusive Podcast: Michael Hudson on Junk Economics


D@W's Paul Sliker and Dante Dallavalle talk with Michael Hudson, one of the world’s six economists who accurately predicted the 2007-2008 financial crisis. His new book, J is for Junk Economics, reveals how the mainstream economic vocabulary has been turned around in an Orwellian way to mean just the opposite of what words used to mean. Michael explains how the media and academia use well-crafted euphemisms to conceal how the economy really works, the economy under Obama vs. Trump, and what might be coming next. 

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Economic Update: Capitalism in Trouble

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on major troubles (Brexit, Trump, etc.), student debt penalty, New York billionaires ask to be taxed, Trump's job fantasies, Seattle's official renters commission, age discrimination...

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Trump is Obama’s Legacy. Will this break up the Democratic Party?


 Trump is Obama’s Legacy. Will this break up the Democratic Party? One of the world's leading economists explains.

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This article by Karina Stenquist was originally published in English. Este artículo por Karina Stenquist se publicó originalmente en Ingles.

Parte del objetivo de Coop Talk es explorar la información más reciente sobre la investigación académica que estudia las cooperativas bajo el control de los obreros...

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Economic Update: Capitalism and Democracy


On this week's Economic Update: updates on Puerto Rico, slave labor in the cocoa fields, worsening UK inequality, leaders imposing austerity on others, Canada's Girl Guides among tourists to shun US...

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Sweet Dreams, Mr. Ryan


“I’ve been dreaming of this since I’ve been...drinking out of kegs.” This statement was brought to you by House Speaker Paul Ryan at a National Review conference. The reverie Mr. Ryan has been musing since his youthful fraternity days at Miami University has been to dismantle healthcare for millions of those who rely on programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and now it’s recent expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

But it seems that Mr. Ryan isn’t the only dreamer. Under the new Trump regime the GOP may well come closer to realizing this morbid dream.

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Planting Socialist Seeds in West Bank Soil


Residents of the West Bank village of Kafr Ein have established a modest olive oil cooperative to solve immediate economic problems.

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Economic Update: US Housing Crisis


On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on FED and interest rates, new US and China inequality data, BLS on wage stagnation...

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Il fenomeno del populismo di destra: Intervista con Bill Fletcher Jr.

This article by Natascha Uhlmann was originally published in English. Questo articolo di Natascha Uhlmann è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglese.

Bill Fletcher Jr è stato un’attivista politico sin dagli anni dell’adolescenza...

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El problema es el capitalismo

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English. Este artículo por Richard Wolff se publicó originalmente en Ingles.
Durante el último siglo, el capitalismo ha manifestado repetidamente sus peores tendencias...
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Economic Update: Questions about Capitalism


On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff gives updates on Caterpillar tax evasion, Obamacare, slave labor for immigrants...

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Global Capitalism: March 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Is Capitalism Fading? Is System Change Underway?"
with Richard D. Wolff
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...


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Cuando los sistemas se desmoronan: mirando más allá del capitalismo global

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in EnglishEste artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés.

Mientras el capitalismo global se tambalea penosa, desigual y peligrosamente después de su colapso en el 2008, sus críticos se dividen en 2 grupos.

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Economic Update: Unfinished Revolution: Women's Paid Labor

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Takata airbags and auto company misdeeds, Trump's defense spending, deepening inequality, why capitalism provokes...

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کێشەکە لە سەرمایەداریە

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English.

...بە درێژایی سەدەی ڕابردوو، سیستەمی سەرمایەداری خراپترین نیەتەکانی خۆی نیشانداوە لەنێوانیشیاندا داڕمانی گەورەی ساڵی

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Cooperative Prospects: A Practical Transformative Cooperatives Initiative for a New Economy


Cooperatives can emerge as an important part of a different economic order, an alternative to an establishment order of insecurity and poverty for the many and privilege and wealth for the few. 

In these Trump times of ours, the case for cooperatives is only likely to become more evident and gather steam. The cooperatives movement can emerge in the eyes of an increasing number of people as a way to stop depending on boss and elite classes and to start taking their security and prosperity into their own hands.

Economist Antonio Callari discusses the 'why now,' the 'how' and the 'so-what' of such a movement. 

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Capitalismo vs. Socialismo: Un debate reformado

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English. Este artículo por Richard Wolff se publicó originalmente en Ingles.
Una vez más, las contradicciones, los defectos y los puntos débiles del capitalismo amenazan su propia existencia.
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What is Money? Why do some have more than others?

In this interview with acTVism Munich, Prof. Wolff talks about an instrument of exchange that we use in our society on a daily basis called money.

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"Trump's Economy: Talk vs. Reality" at Berkeley City College


The Berkeley City College Students for Socialism Club and the Jerry L. Adams Endowment Fund present "Trump's Economy: Talk vs. Reality" with Prof. Richard Wolff. 

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Economic Update: Economics: Where Theories Clash

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on the exploitation of adjuncts that weakens US higher education and on US's extreme wealth inequality. Major discussion of...

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What is Capitalism? What is Socialism?

In this interview with acTVism Munich Prof. Wolff answers...

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Economic Update: Real Economic Journalism

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on stock market bounce, Swiss voters stop corporate tax giveaway, why public are better than private schools, billionaires party...

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Socialism is obvious

Worker-owned enterprises as a key feature of a socialist transition from capitalism.

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That’s your damn stock market, not ours


While Wall Street celebrates yet another stock market record—surpassing 20,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average—most Americans have little reason to cheer. That’s because they own very little stock and therefore aren’t sharing in the gains. A much better alternative for American workers would be to look toward a radically different model: enterprises that are owned and managed by their employees.

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Work, Place and Community: The ‘Solidarity Ecosystems’ of Occupied Factories


The Greek workers of VIOME took-over their old factory, fought off evictions and collectively occupied auction houses to stop the sell-off of the land they work on. In doing so, they are not just creating a better way of doing work, but also offering hints at more supportive and integrated communities and stronger, less-fractured societies. And they are not alone.

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One case against Betsy DeVos: charter schools


A detailed analysis on charter schools published by the Economic Policy Institute noted that, “Numerous analyses have found chartering to lead to an imbalanced distribution of students by race, income, language proficiency, and disability status.” Furthermore, “pension and health care costs are systemwide concerns that cannot be ignored by shifting students and public dollars across sectors.” Charter schools seem to bring up more questions than they answer.

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Economic Update: Solving Old Economic Problems

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Vermont brewery becoming a worker coop, profitability proves nothing, Trump knocks "fiduciary rule," immigration reduces crime, Pelosi...

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A Closer Look At Cooperative Structures: a Q&A with Prof. Thomas Lambert


Professor Thomas Lambert chats with us about U.S. worker-owned cooperatives and their decision-making structures. His research, which surveyed about 50 co-ops across the country (there are an estimated 200 to 300 worker-owned cooperatives in the United States) sheds light on some of the underexamined aspects of co-op structures, such as the ratio of managers to workers, and the criteria considered in making investment decisions.

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Global Capitalism: February 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Nationalism + Scapegoating 'Foreigners:'
Why Capitalism in Crisis Often Does This" 
with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church
These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...


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Economic Update: Women's Movement Economics

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on NFL's income redistribution, big bucks for Starbucks CEO, US health data, pension benefits cut, Goldman Sachs in...

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Podcast: How People Around the World Are Building a Solidarity Economy


In the face of social and ecological peril, there's a movement that continues to build and resist. This podcast will take you into the heart of it.

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The Phenomenon of Right-Wing Populism: An Interview With Bill Fletcher Jr.


An interview with racial justice and labor activist Bill Fletcher Jr. on the phenomenon of right-wing populism, and what it means for an anti-racist left.

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Usted paga para trabajar

_ESP__CT-_Usted_paga_para_trabajar.pngThis article by Tomás Rotta was originally published in English. Este artículo por Tomás Rotta fue publicado originalmente en inglés.

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Il programma del genere: le elezioni presidenziali de 2016

_IT__CT-_Gender_and_the_Election_(1).pngThis article by Harriet Fraad was originally published in English and is also available in Spanish. Questo articolo di Harriet Fraad è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglese e spagnolo.

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acTVism Munich: Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context

Prof. Wolff joins a panel of leading experts: Edward Snowden, Srecko Horvat, Jeremy Scahill and Paul Jay in a discussion about freedom and democracy.

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Economic Update: Trumponomics Exposed

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Basic economy airfares, Trump-May delusions, drop in US union membership, Trump's attacks on Mexico and TPP, elite colleges vs state schools. Major discussion of...

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La Agenda de Género: Elección Presidencial 2016


This article by Harriet Fraad was originally published in English. Este artículo por Harriet Fraad fue publicado originalmente en inglés.

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Economic Update: Organizing for Social Change

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Trump advisors, small fines for big corps, wages 1980-2015 by race, gender, and class, real poverty data, bits from Davos. Interview with..

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Cooperatives: The key to climate action?


To solve the greatest challenges of our time, climate change and inequality, we need an economic system that serves us better. However, beyond identifying and agreeing upon the problem we often stop short at imagining solutions.

The re-imagination of the economy is already in motion. Now it's time for the climate movement to get on board with organizing for a democratically managed and collectively owned economy.

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Economic Update: Economic/social costs of Prisons

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on people forming coops in Detroit and Fridley, Minn; VW's guilty plea and Cuomo's fake numbers; real reason for...


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¿Necesitan jefe las organizaciones sin fines de lucro?


This article by Lucas McGranahan was originally published in English. Este artículo por Lucas McGranahan fue publicado originalmente en inglés.

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Global Capitalism: January 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Fixing Capitalism v. Moving to Another System" with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church
These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...
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Economic Update: Economics of Emotional Labor


On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff interviews Dr Harriet Fraad on emotional labor.

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Capitalism Is the Problem

This article originally appeared at 

Over the last century, capitalism has repeatedly revealed its worst tendencies: instability and inequality. Instances of instability include the Great Depression (1929-1941) and the Great Recession since 2008, plus eleven "downturns" in the US between those two global collapses. Each time, millions lost jobs, misery soared, poverty worsened and massive resources were wasted. Leaders promised...

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Kapitalismus vs. Sozialismus: Eine neue Debatte

capitalism_socialism_thumb.pngThis article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English. Dieser Artikel von Richard Wolff wurde ursprünglich in Englisch veröffentlicht.

Wieder einmal gefährden die Widersprüche, Fehler und Schwächen des Kapitalismus‘ seine eigene Existenz...

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Cooperative Destacado: Loomio
Este perfil es la 1a parte de una entrevista a Alanna Krause, cofundadora y trabajadora-propietaria de Loomio, una cooperativa de programadores de software en línea radicada en Aotearoa, Nueva Zelanda. Lee la 2a parte aquí. Únete también a la conversación en la página de Loomio en Democracy at Work:
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Economic Update: We Can Do Better Than Capitalism

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on mistreated homeless, keeping millions from voting, 'I, Daniel Blake,' 3000 water systems like Flint, Trump's foreign employees, unequal retirement USA, Sen Whitehouse on anti-science. Major discussions of...

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Ain't gonna happen


During the recent presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to revitalize American manufacturing—and bring back “good” manufacturing jobs. So did Hillary Clinton.

As long as workers have no say in how production is organized—including the technologies that are used and the surplus that is created—we can expect both manufacturing production and profits to increase while leaving workers and their jobs behind.

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Dump Your Health Insurance


How do we build an alternative while people are suffering now? Though single payer healthcare is touted as the obvious fix, the world can’t wait until it’s politically feasible, much less as the incoming Trump administration ramps up its assault on state-funded care.

Worker-owned cooperatives present a coherent vision of what a radically new medical system could look like.

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Economic Update: Xmas vs Economic Realities

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on politicians lying about economics, fines for big banks, Maine votes left, int students come less to US, Pebble Mine struggle, fading American dream. Major discussions of...

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You Pay to Work. And Why It Matters.


Inequality in the United States is rising because people are paying more to work. When people pay more to work, the share of national income that goes to the top 0.1% increases. The solution does not lie in a global tax on wealth but rather in workers not paying to work.

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Economic Update: Escape from Labor in Capitalism

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on US defense spending,  French vs US capitalism, Ikea's US paid family leave, Trump's economics. Interview with...

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The Full Participation Economy: New York City — Where to go next? [Part V]


New York City has hosted worker cooperatives for years and is moving to provide additional support for WSDE development.  New York City’s Cooperative Home Health Care (CHCA) is the largest worker cooperative in the United States.  Given its expanding cooperative economy, Democracy at Work recommends that New York City commit more resources to this sector, such as grant funding for start-up and operation of WSDEs, tax abatements, and a dedicated agency that oversees training and funding, like the Small Business Administration.  

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Global Capitalism: December 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism:
"Trump's Ideas for Jobs, Taxes, Trade: What Those Plans Mean For Us"

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For December, these will include:


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Economic Update: Economics of Women Voting Trump

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Trump gutting estate tax; capitalist outrages; Trump appoints Wall Street billionaires; Green Party victory in Austria; big oil companies' desperation; Pope Francis on...
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The Full Participation Economy: The Worker Cooperative as a Bulwark against Social Exclusion [Part IV]


Today's excluded populations, particularly the formerly incarcerated and disadvantaged workers, suffer repeated exclusion from the workplace or exploitation when employed, which only serves to increase recidivism. WSDEs are a viable solution especially since all employees are included in the democratic decision making of the company. Workers also benefit from the experience of solidarity while working within a structure committed to equality and mutual support.

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Capitalism vs. Socialism: A Changed Debate

This article originally appeared at

Once again, private capitalism's contradictions, flaws and weaknesses threaten its own existence. Two major global collapses -- first in the 1930s and more recently, since 2008 -- plus periodic downturns every few years have underscored the instability that haunts the system. At the same time, deepening inequality has 

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The Gender Agenda: Presidential Election 2016


There was a crucial socio-political message in the radically different gender agendas evident in the 2016 presidential election. Dr. Harriet Fraad breaks down the stark differences between all three of the main actors who were serious final contenders on the presidential stage: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

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Economic Update: The Critique of Mass Media

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Maggie's Farm, John Lewis coop in UK, Trudeau on Castro, economics of immigration, Deutschland Bank and...

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The Full Participation Economy: Viable Models — Looking Abroad and in the US [Part III]

CT-_Full_Part._Econ..pngThis is Part III of a five-part series on worker-directed cooperatives as an autonomous community self-development tool.

Founded in 1956, the Mondragon worker cooperative, located in the Basque region of Spain, now employs over 75,000 people in 257 different businesses. Italy's Emilia Romana region has a high density of WSDEs due to favorable laws that support the formation of cooperative enterprises. And the United States has an increasing number of WSDEs, some of which date back to the 1970s.

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The Full Participation Economy: Social Exclusion [Part II]

CT-_Full_Part._Econ._copy.pngThis is Part II of a five-part series on worker-directed cooperatives as an autonomous community self-development tool.

The wealth disparity between those labeled "the one percent" and the remainder of the population continues to provoke anxiety and anger. At the same time African Americans struggle with an unemployment rate double the white rate across all educational levels and experience disproportionately high rates of State-sponsored violence.

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Do nonprofits need bosses?


The democratic organization of nonprofits is both possible and, in many cases, more desirable for workers. So why is it so uncommon?

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The Full Participation Economy: Prison Workers, the American Worker and the Power of Cooperative Work [Part I]


This is Part I of a five-part series on worker-directed cooperatives as an autonomous community self-development tool.

American workers and prison laborers are both trapped in oppressive systems, but non-incarcerated workers are increasingly opting out of conventional business structures to become worker-owners in Worker Self Directed Enterprises (WSDEs).

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Economic Update: Moving Beyond Capitalism

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on real corporate taxes, Canada's infrastructure maneuver, economics of real estate, foreign students leaving. Major discussions of...

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Un Messaggio da Richard Wolff dopo le Elezioni


This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English and is also available in Spanish. Questo articolo di Richard Wolff è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglesespagnolo.


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The launch of 'Coop Talk' and a letter from the editor


The emerging new politics will work for democratizing enterprises, and thereby the economy. That's why we're launching Coop Talk — a blog that will disseminate knowledge, research, and analysis in support of the advancement of worker-owned cooperatives.

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Economic Update: Economics of Trump


On this episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on big Texas worker coop, Audi deal to make cars in China, Pope's criticism of capitalism, Trump's Wall Streeters. Major discussions of...

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EconoMinute: Election as a Weapon of Mass Distraction

In the EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff talks about the recent presidential election and what is needed for real change. 

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Un mensaje post-elecciones de Richard Wolff

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English. Este artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés.
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Economic Update: Trump explained

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff explains Trump. Interview about worker coops with Dario Azzellini.

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Global Capitalism: November 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism, Monthly Economic Update:
“Now What? The Real Economic Issues and the New Government

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For November, these will include:


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A Post-Election Message from Richard Wolff

Economic Update: Economy, Psychology, Mental Health

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Harvard's greed, corp megamergers, Germany outlaws GMOs, campaign fund-raising, Koch brothers fund Catholics fighting Pope's views, Portland, OR to tax...

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Las Contradicciones de las Finanzas

finanzasThis article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English in ROAR Magazine. Este artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés en ROAR Magazine.

Como muchas cosas en Economía, las finanzas exhaltan el crecimiento de la economía y el desarrollo y lo subestiman al mismo tiempo...

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Economic Update: Challenging Markets and their Results

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on cutting vaccine costs, shameful Harvard economics, Icelandic women on strike, and corporate merger mania. Major discussions of US medical care...

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Coop Profile: Loomio, Part II

This profile is Part II of an interview with Alanna Krause, co-founder and worker-owner of Loomio, a online software worker cooperative based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Join the conversation on Democracy at Work's Loomio page as well:

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Cooperativa Destacado: People's Ride


This article by Betsy Avila was originally published in English. Este articulo por Betsy Avila fue publicado originalmente en inglés.

People’s Ride es un negocio de compartimiento de transportación bajo demanda, como Uber...

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Economic Update: Economics of Tax Avoidance

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on cutting funds for public higher education, Princeton avoids taxes, multinational corps get another...

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Crisis – It’s How Capitalism Works

Revolutionary Workers Group hosts Prof. Wolff for a discussion of current world problems and possible solutions.  Prof. Wolff talks about the instability of capitalism.


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Cómo el Capitalismo Perpetúa la Inmigración


This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English on Este artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés en

El Capitalismo tiene una larga y fea historia de criminalizar a los inmigrantes...

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Prof. Wolff dissects Trump’s plan for trade, jobs on WMNF

Prof. Wolff joins WMNF's Radioactivity Friday to discuss the state of the economy, Trump's plan for trade and jobs.

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KPFA presents Prof. Richard Wolff "A Cure for Capitalism"`

KPFA's Salima Hamirani speaks with Prof. Wolff about the state of politics in the US and his ideas for...

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Economic Update: The Pension Crisis

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on strike of Harvard workers, big food capitalists, Berlin fights gentrification, collapse of US malls, pain mess for...

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Quando i sistemi crollano: uno sguardo oltre il capitalismo globale


This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English at Truth-out.orgQuesto articolo di Richard Wolff è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglese a

Mentre il capitalismo globale barcolla dolorosamente, vacillando pericolosamente sulla scia del collasso nel 2008, i suoi critici si dividono in due grandi gruppi, uno dei quali si impegna ad aggiustare o riformare un capitalismo che in qualche modo ha deviato dalla retta via...

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Global Capitalism: October 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism, Monthly Economic Update
"A Looming Crisis: Major Candidates Ignore It"

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For October 2016, these will include...

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Coop Profile: Loomio
This profile is Part I of an interview with Alanna Krause, co-founder and worker-owner of Loomio, a online software worker cooperative based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Join the conversation on Democracy at Work's Loomio page as well:
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EconoMinute: US Median Household Income

In this EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff reveals the truth behind the latest headlines about median household income. Over the last 20 years, production has increased substantially. But...

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Economic Update: Capital for Worker Coops

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on US workers' productivity rising while wages flat since 2009, US corps evading taxes, Gallup Poll on poor US job picture, wealth of  billionaires enough, if redistributed, to change...

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How Capitalism Perpetuates Immigration

This article originally appeared at

Capitalism has a long, ugly history of scapegoating immigrants. The pattern has been repeated often. For example, British capitalism's drive to empire helped force the Irish, as colonial subjects, to emigrate. Miserable colonial conditions, including horrific famines, drove many Irish to labor for capitalists in England at wages lower than English workers had won. English workers raged against and...

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Economic Update: Economics and Red States: Arlie Hochschild

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Corbyn's victory in UK, Uber drivers unionize, state retirement systems sued for threatening pensions, hard facts about...

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Economic Update: Higher Ed Class Struggles

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on top Corp leaders and top government officials as tight partners, British wages and...

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The Contradictions of Finance

This article originally appeared at and Roar Magazine.

Like much else in economies, finance both enhances the economy's growth and development and undermines it. The balance between these contradictory effects depends on all the other aspects of an economy and society and how they all influence financial contradictions. From its first entrance into the economy -- that part of society concerned with the production and...


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Economic Update: Worker Coops Vs. Capitalism

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on declining US incomes, parental leave policies, rising medical deductibles...

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Global Capitalism: September 2016 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism, Monthly Economic Update:
"Labor Day: The Condition of the Working Class & Labor's Strategy"

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For September 2016, these will include...

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Economic Update: Economics for Labor Day

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff, provides updates on dark money, Mylan drug scandal, air lines concentrating, capitalism and 

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Economic Update: Puerto Rico's Crisis is Systemic

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on US income inequality vs rest of world, Europe exposes Apple Corp's tax evasion; TTP and...

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EconoMinute: Presidential Politics

In this EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff provides a commentary on the upcoming presidential election, the major party candidates and...

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Porto Rico: Desiderata, Usata, Deperita

This article by Andrew Mercado-Vázquez was originally posted in English and Spanish. Questo articolo è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglese e spagnolo. Per vedere più materiale in italiano, visita la nostra playlist di YouTube italiano.
Da quando il governatore del Porto Rico ha annunciato che i debiti dell'isola non sono esigibili, i media predominanti hanno dimostrato un grande interesse per l’arcipelago...
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Economic Update: Capitalism's Craziness

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on universities, politicians, and grad student unions, Bill Gates obscene wealth, Harley-Davidson' illegal pollution and...

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Economic Update: The System Exposed

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Olympic economics, mass transit, productivity truths, labor weakness and political parties, golden parachutes...

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Richard Wolff Sobre El Cambio De Las Corrientes del Capitalismo Y El Socialismo

This article was originally published in English on Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en inglés en
Hace casi 30 años, muchos capitalistas estaban celebrando lo que el politólogo Francis Fukuyama llamo la "victoria final de la videograbadora"...
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Economic Update: Economics of Worker Coops

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Macy's closing 141 stores, Clinton campaign economics...

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Global Capitalism: August 2016 Monthly Economic Update

“Economics of this Presidential Campaign”

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For August 2016, these will include...

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Los Teóricos Económicos: Los Altos Sacerdotes del Capitalismo

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English at Este artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés en
La gente siempre ha elegido entre las diferentes teorías económicas coexistentes para comprender el mundo y actuar en él...
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When Systems Crumble: Looking Beyond Global Capitalism

This article originally appeared at

As global capitalism staggers painfully, unevenly and dangerously in the wake of its 2008 collapse, its critics divide into two broad camps. One commits to fixing or reforming a capitalism that has somehow lost its way. The other finds capitalism irreparably...

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Puerto Rico: Deseada, Usada y Agotada

Puerto Rico: Deseada Usada y Agotada
This article was originally posted in English and is also available in Italian. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en inglés y también está disponible en italiano.
Desde que el gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, anunció que las obligaciones del país eran impagables, los medios de comunicación han demostrado mucho interés en el archipiélago...
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Economic Update: Profits, Families & Sex

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on more VW sleaze, Irish bankers to jail, US public pension economics, Yale worker wins back job, Yale exposed. Interview with...

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Coop Profile: People's Ride

This profile is an interview with Matthew Bair, founder and worker-owner of People’s Ride, a rideshare worker cooperative start-up in Grand Rapids, MI.
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La Pobreza Siempre Ha Acompañado Al Capitalismo

This article by Richard Wolff was originally published in English at Este artículo por Richard Wolff fue publicado originalmente en inglés en

Durante al menos los últimos 30 años, la masa de los estadounidenses ha visto salarios reales estancados aun cuando la productividad de los trabajadores aumentó de manera constante, las pérdidas de beneficios laborales y de seguridad, la reducción de los servicios públicos, y un sistema político cada vez más corrupto y comprometido por las desigualdades de riqueza e ingresos...

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Economic Update: Economic Crisis, Fascism & History

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on India's inequality, Philly's poverty behind DNC front, new initiatives from unions, Starbuck's profiteering, gutting federal estate tax. Interview with...

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By Dante Dallavalle and Michael Palmieri

This article was adapted from the Left Out podcast episode titled “Cleveland, A New Model?”.


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Economic Update: Convention Economics

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on platform contradictions, the VW scandal, CEOs pay explosion, Italian banks crisis, scary US auto loans. Major discussions...

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WIN Short: Minimum Wage Battles

This is Richard Wolff for Democracy at Work with a special feature for Workers Independent News.

On July 1st 2016, 14 US cities states and counties, plus the District of Columbia raised their minimum wage. They raised it from everything from 10.50 and hour all the way up to 15.00 an hour. Some raises go into effect immediately, others are...

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WIN Short: Sweden: Shorter Work Days, Higher Productivity

This is special feature is produced by Democracy at Work for Workers Independent News. This is Richard Wolff for Democracy at Work.

I want to report to you today about an experiment made in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden by a work of workers supervised by the city council in that city. Under the pressure of a left wing political party that has seats on that city council, the experiment was as follows.

The argument was made that workers in Sweden...

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Economic Update: Deepening Crisis and African-Americans

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses leaders" exposed by crises: Johnson in UK, Dimon in US. Stagnant incomes for most. Interview with...

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Global Capitalism: July 2016 Monthly Economic Update

“The Great Emerging Conflict: Capitalism vs Worker Coops”

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For July 2016, these will include...

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EconoMinute: What Brexit Means


In this EconoMinute, Prof. Richard Wolff talks about the decision made by the people of Great Britain to...

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Economic Update: Psychology, Economics, and Orlando

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on minimum wage raises, economics of prisons, evidence that notions of "economic recovery" are myths for most of world. Interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad...

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Poverty Has Always Accompanied Capitalism


This article originally appeared at

Mark Karlin: Let's start with the a statement from the preface of your book: "Questioning the capitalist system, let alone discussing system change, simply does not occur to mainstream academics and the journalists and politicians they trained. Such discourses are repressed." How is an open public discussion of capitalism stifled?   

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Economic Update: What Brexit Means

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on new Puerto Rico deal, French street battles, German leaders' need humility, fake Cleveland revitalization, selling out national parks. Major analysis of...

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Economic Theorists: The High Priests of Capitalism

This article originally appeared at

People have always chosen among different co-existing economic theories to understand the world and to act within it. Who chooses which theory, consciously or not, shapes world history. Disagreements over Brexit emerged partly from different ways of understanding the British economy and its relation to Europe. Donald Trump's support...

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Global Capitalism: June 2016 Monthly Update

“The Costs of Capitalist Decline in North America and Europe

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues.  For June, these will include:


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Puerto Rico: Wanted, Used, Depleted

Puerto Rico Wanted Used Depleted
This article has also been translated into Spanish and Italian.

Since Governor Alejandro García Padilla of Puerto Rico announced that its debts were not payable, mainstream media has shown a great interest in the archipelago. Combine a government debt between $70 and $73 billion, a shrinking population of about 3.5 million American citizens, and a subordinate political status, this US territory is at an unprecedented moment in its history. With all the attention Puerto Rico is receiving, most people are left scratching their heads, wondering how this economic crisis came about.

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Economic Update: Small Victories, Big Lessons


On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on victories (1) over US sugar industry and (2) in reducing Sweden's 40-hour workweek to 30 hours with no pay cut. Major analyses of jobs moving south...

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Economic Update: Economic Change: Why and How

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on CEO pay, new book on inequality, US estate and inheritance taxes. Interview with...

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Economic Update: Local Groups, Social Change

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on new book "Coming of Age in the Other America," new research shows superiority of worker coops over capitalist enterprises, negative results of profit-driven enterprises, "America" replaces Budweiser. Interview with Betsy...

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Richard Wolff on the Changing Tides of Capitalism and Socialism

This article originally appeared at

Nearly 30 years ago, many capitalists were celebrating what political scientist Francis Fukuyama called the "ultimate victory of the VCR": where consumerism sank communism. However, they failed to calculate the effects of this consumerism on the environment. They also failed to predict how the public would...

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Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens, Richard Wolff's newest release, provides new insight into the most recent economic developments of our time. While most mainstream commentators view the crisis that provoked the Great Recession as having passed, these essays...

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Economic Update: Pro-environment, anti-capitalist

On this week' episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff. provides updates on fossil-fuel divestment, Zika virus economics, product recalls , and payday loan scandal. Interview with...

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EconoMinute: The Greek Crisis


In this EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff discusses the debt crisis facing Greece, its causes, the role the Greek government, financial institutions and the European Union played.


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Economic Update: Listen, Prof. Krugman

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on car companies buying ride-share companies, Pope's latest, evidence against Prof. Krugman's rosy view of inequality. Major discussions of...

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WIN Short: Iowa Cartoonist Fired for Speaking the Truth about Inequality

Hello this is Richard Wolff from Democracy at Work. I want to tell a story that is about America today but it is not about workers and factories or offices or stores. It’s about farmers and they are workers too and there news is important for us and never more than at this moment. I want to tell a story about Rick Friday. He is a cartoonist; he makes cartoons for the Farm News, a news services that goes...

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Economic Update: The Idea of Revolution

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Alabama convicts strike against slavery, Greece's victimization, TTIP exposed, and taxing Yale. Interview with...

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Economic Update: False Econ Recovery, True Journalism

In this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on "carry interest tax loophole," Miami's Marlin Park and state subsidies for business, negative interest rates, and banks' "bail-in" versus "bail-out." Interview reporter Bob Hennelly...

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Global Capitalism: May 2016 Monthly Update

Crises Deepen: Shifting Socialisms, Exploding Debt, Strange Elections

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For the month of May, these will include...

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Economic Update: What Inequality Does

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on rich tax evaders, Takata airbags, equalized wealth data, money in Chicago politics. Major discussions of...

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WIN Short: Chobani Shares Profits with Employees

Hello. I want to tell you a story briefly of the Chobani Corporation, a company with 2000 employees that makes Greek style yogurt. It has been very successful over recent years and is now a company worth between 3 and 5 billion dollars. But what is important about that is not how successful the company has been but how it relates between the workers on the one hand and...

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WIN Short: Automobile Industry and National Well-Being

Hello this is Richard Wolff from Democracy at Work. Today I want to talk to you about the automobile industry once again. Yes I know, they have been in the news for not telling us about ignition problems that killed and wounded a lot of people. I know they have been in the news for having problems with seatbelts. And I know they have been in the news, with VW particularly, having faked emissions tests. But now this last week...

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WIN Short: VW And Mistubishi – Profit Over Public Health

Well the last few days have been full of reports about two global car companies, VW out of Germany and Mitsubishi out of Japan. These are among the handful of companies dominating the world automobile production process. And both of these companies have been in the news for the same reason. They got caught, cheating on emission tests. Deliberately installing on...

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EconoMinute: The Crisis of Puerto Rico


In this EconoMinute, Prof. Richard Wolff discusses the current debt crisis facing Puerto Rico.

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Economic Update: Poverty and the US Economy

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on slow US economy, money drives Yale, Chobani workers get profits, more car corps scandal, and...

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How Capitalism and Racism Support Each Other


By Richard D. Wolff
This article originally appeared at

Capitalism's supporters use and benefit from a racism whose practice and consequences should be blamed on capitalism itself.

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Prof. Wolff Lecture on Worker Coops: Theory and Practice of 21st Century Socialism

Prof. Wolff speaks to The Levy Economics Institute. 

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Economic Update: Gentrification: The Market Rules

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on pay of CEO's that fight $15/ he for workers, workers who get public assistance, facts on taxes paid and evaded, Mitsubishi like VW. Major discussion on...

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WIN Short: Comparing CEO pay for CVS, L BRANDS, STARBUCKS AND WALMART TO $15 an hour

This special feature is produced by Democracy at Work for Worker Independent News. This is Richard Wolff from Democracy at Work. 

I know that many folks have been paying attention to the rather heroic efforts of retail and restaurant workers across America trying to get fifteen dollars an hour. It’s is hardly good pay and it is hardly anything close to getting the American dream but...

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WIN Short: The Panama Papers

This special feature is produced by Democracy at Work for Worker Independent News. This is Richard Wolff from Democracy at Work.

This last week has been a bombshell. Something called the Panama Papers is all over the news. What’s it about?...

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Economic Update: Prisons and Sugar Babies

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on IMF, Panama Papers and tax evasion, workers fighting back. Major discussions of...

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Global Capitalism: April 2016 Monthly Update

The Varieties of Socialism: An Economic Analysis

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this month, these will include...


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Economic Update: Efficiency: Capitalist vs Human

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on tax issues: Panama Papers, corp tax rates, tax-avoiding "inversions" and Yale's tax avoidance. Part 2 of interview with...

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Economic Update: Worker Coops: Why and How

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on China's rising wages, lethal overdoses and economic crisis, courts worsen Puerto Rico's crisis, moving jobs to Mexico, and Florida governor tries to help Yale evade taxes. Major discussions of...

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Economic Update: How Capitalism Changes Intimacy and Family

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on top bankers' pay, bad auto corps' decisions, deflation, and socialist economics. Interview with Dr Harriet Fraad...

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The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff


Despite a concerted effort by the U.S. Empire to snuff out the ideology, a 2016 poll found young Americans have a much more favorable view of socialism than capitalism.

Though he died 133 years ago, the analysis put forward by one of the world’s most influential thinkers, Karl Marx, remains extremely relevant today. The Empire’s recent rigged presidential election has been disrupted by...

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Economic Update: Choosing Your Struggles

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on FED decision, struggles over China trade and Brexit, and fascism. Major discussion of...

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Economy and Psychology: Real Depressions, Real Solutions Audio

Economist Richard Wolff and his wife, psychologist Harriet Fraad, will discuss how economic policies impact our psychological and social well-being...

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Global Capitalism: March 2016 Monthly Update

Economics and 2016’s Presidential Politics

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this March, these will include...

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Economic Update: Economics of our Politics

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Europe's new econ stimulus, French workers rally for job security, US airlines' rip-off fees. Response to question about government blame for economic crisis since 2008. Major discussions on...

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Economic Update: Seeds of Fascism?

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on injustice of Argentina's default settlement, on Pope Francis's rejection of "exploiters," and on stagnating real median incomes in US. Major discussions of..

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Economic Update: Good for Profits, Bad for Society

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Citibank calls "Recession" for 2016, Robert Gordon's new book "Rise and Fall of American growth, college students to Europe for free educations, drug and food companies profit at public's expense, economics of presidential candidates, pension struggles heat up, and why China's slowdown due to US/Euro/Japan economies. Major discussions of...

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Economic Update: Capitalism is the Problem

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Bloomberg's money, negative interest rates, the oil market, Puerto Rico's cruel sales tax, Fed Reserve governor supports breaking up banks 'too big to fail,' and Apple borrows despite its huge cash hoard. Response to...

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Economic Update: Economic Change, Economic Disorder

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on China achieves economic superpower status, profit produces drug scarcities, Ireland's unjust austerity, millionaire tax in Massachusetts. Major discussions of...

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On the Meaning of Capitalism, We Don't Agree

This article originally appeared at

Within conversations on the left, many of us use the term "capitalism," but we aren't all using it to mean the same thing. Among both its champions and opponents, capitalism acquired too many different meanings over the 200 to 300 years of its global ascendancy. I am sometimes faulted for using the term as if everyone knew and agreed on its meaning, when that is not the case. My critics demand instead...

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Economic Update: Lessons About and From Socialism

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on the economic significance of Sanders' Iowa vote, Keynes on risks of revolution against capitalism, costs of oil market collapse. Interview with...

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Global Capitalism: February 2016 Monthly Update

Demands for Basic Economic Change Keep Growing

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this February, these will include...

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Economic Update: How Markets Fail

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Johnson Controls Corp evades taxes, Disney sued over abuse of HB-1 visa system, French workers strike against austerity and against socialist government; response to listeners on...

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How Two-Party Political Systems Bolster Capitalism


This article originally appeared at

The two-major-party arrangement both allows for disagreements yet also keeps dissent bounded by common commitments to reproduce capitalism. 


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Economic Update: Capitalism's Results

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Obama on/in Detroit, Walmart closing stores, Santa Fe and public banking, food-makers' profits vs people's health. Major discussion of...

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Economic Update: Fighting Rightist Economics

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on worker actions by UK's "junior doctors" and Detroit teachers, Flint's poisoned water, Supreme Court struggle. More on...

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Global Capitalism: January 2016 Monthly Update

Capitalism Delivers the...: Inequality, Instability, Insecurity

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For January these will include...


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Economic Update: What Capitalism is

On this week's episode Prof. Wolff provides updates on Obamacare scandal, bank errors threaten depositors, public pension looting, subsidizing religion. Major discussion of...

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Economic Update: Economics & Real Issues

This episode provides updates on economics vs. the "free press," Nevada vs. public education and bikes displacing cars in Europe. We also respond to listeners' questions on...

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Economic Update: Capitalism and/or Socialism

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on Spain's new left government, no NFL money for concussion research, Harvard runs like a business, Fresno research proves widespread hunger. Responses to questions on...

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Debunking the Magnitude of Markets: A Holiday Story

This article originally appeared at

Like all human institutions, markets have strengths and weaknesses. Born in particular historical conditions, they alter over time as conditions change, and eventually die. Just as other institutions - monarchy, slavery, empire, feudalism, tribal society...

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Capitalism - Not China - Is to Blame for the Current Global Economic Decline

This article originally appeared at


Capitalism, like a speeding train, barreled into a stone wall in 2008. Shocked and dazed, its leaders have been trying to "recover." By that, they mean to fix the mangled tracks, reposition the locomotive and cars on those tracks and resume forward motion. No basic economic change...

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Global Center for Action Studies: Capitalist Decline and a Way Forward

Capitalism is relocating to new centers in China, India, Brazil, etc. In its old centers, e.g., the US, economic prospects darken. Middle and lower incomes stagnate. Multinational businesses and those they enrich force...

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Economic Update: Economic Lessons from 2015

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on FED's interest rate hike, Peter Drucker on "like a business," gun business, and oil economics. Response to question on whether it is China that is slowing the world economy. Major discussion of...


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Economic Update: Transcending Capitalism

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on denying bailout for Puerto Rico and gross wealth inequality in US and Wisconsin. Response to listeners on...

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Global Capitalism: December 2015 Monthly Update

"Saving Capitalism from Itself or Saving Us from It?"

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this December, they include...


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Economic Update: Austerity's Social Costs

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on Portugal joins Greece against austerity, US austerity especially in Puerto Rico and Illinois, useless laws for banks, words not action in Paris. Major discussions of...
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Economic Update: Why Whites in Trouble

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on economics of immigration, economic alarmists, Ireland as tax haven. Response to listeners on...

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Economic Update: Big vs Small Business

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on Japan's Recession, half of New York City economically in trouble, ACA deductibles undermine affordability, Million student March, another crooked capitalist. Response to listeners on...

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An evening with Richard Wolff presented by KPFT 90.1 FM

Professor Richard Wolff appeared at a fundraiser for KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston. 

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Economic Update: Economic Power Struggles

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on Greek and Portuguese austerity struggles, obesity and Coca Cola, importance of U of Missouri, JC Penney's fake sales, and Macy's urgent sales. Response to listeners...

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Global Capitalism: November 2015 Monthly Update

Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For November, these will include...

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Economic Update: How Capitalism Works

This week's episode of Economic Update includes updates on capitalism vs higher education, real costs of apps, how other half banks. In depth analyses of projected economic...

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Richard Wolff: "Economy in Crisis: Fantasies, Realities, Possibilities"

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Economic Update: Teaching High School Economics

Today's episode includes updates on Obama's harshness regarding student debt, how much corporations and the rich abuse tax havens, MIT rejects fossil-fuel divestment and Tylenol's profit over safety practices. Prof. Wolff responds to listeners on where...

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Economic Update: Capitalism v Democratic Socialism

Today's episode includes updates on a monstrous beer merger, buying the US presidency, homelessness in Hawaii and the Canadian election results. Prof. Wolf responds to a listener's question on the relationship of individualism...
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Economic Update: Co-Ops vs Capitalism

This week's edition of Economic Update features discussion on: saving capitalism, looming economic downturn, 250,000 against TTIP in Berlin, US plan to give Puerto Rican taxes to banks, and a one-on-one interview with Ms. Laura Flanders, an independent journalist on co-ops vs capitalism.

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